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Once the blackout period begins, all activated users will have view-only access to client files and can still download reports.
Case Notes and Attachments will be extracted by the DATIS team. Due to the large volume of files most organizations have, this can take several business days.
- Once the extraction process begins, the Case Notes and Attachments are removed from the database and will no longer be available in Catalyst.
Phase 3: Migration
This phase can also be referred to as the Catalyst blackout period.
All HSP staff will have view-only access to Catalyst and cannot enter or modify client data. All HSP can reference Catalyst to continue care during this period.
The DATIS team will begin extracting Case Notes (including Attachments) the business day following the last known day of entry into Catalyst, as specified in the Transitioning Off Catalyst Form. This process can take several business days, depending on the volume of data. Once the extraction is complete and the Data Request Form is submitted, the files will be sent to one HSP Catalyst Administrator via CAMH’s secure file transfer (SFTP). Since each SFTP can contain only five attachments, multiple transfers may be required to send all Case Notes and Attachments.After the files are received, the DATIS team will permanently delete the temporarily stored files. The Case Notes (including Attachments) will then reside exclusively with the HSP and will be subject to their data storage and retention policies.
Phase 4: Post-Migration
HSPs will confirm the successful transfer of their data into their new CRM.
- HSP staff to enter all new client information into the new vendor system
- The HSP will confirm a date when all still-activated users will be deactivated.
- Data mapping support may be requested by the HSP or from the vendor, directly. Please see the Provincial MDS to PDS Mapping Standard first.