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EngagementEach harm reduction service provider (HRSP) will be assigned a CAMH support person to guide the implementation of the ONHRDB, and act as your agency’s main point of contact. Once your agency has been engaged and asked to participate in the ONHRDB, you will be asked to begin reviewing the ONHRDB Service Provider Agreement. Your CAMH support person will also set up an interview with your agency to learn more about your operations and services, and how these may affect your agency’s ability to adopt the ONHRDB. After this interview, CAMH support will work with your agency to find the best date to officially begin implementation. Live use of the system cannot begin until the Service Provider Agreement has been signed and returned. ImplementationImplementation should begin with training 1-2 key staff on how to use NEO. These staff should be able to test NEO to confirm whether the system will work for the agency and identify any potential issues. Your support person will work with these staff to resolve, as much as possible, such issues. All training and correspondence will be done virtually, as CAMH is not able to accommodate any in-person site visits for this project. NEP/NSP Module Training: NEP/NSP Module - ONHRDB Knowledge Base - CAMH Naloxone Training: Naloxone Module - ONHRDB Knowledge Base - CAMH CTS Training: Consumption and Treatment Services Module - ONHRDB Knowledge Base - CAMH Site Administrator Training: Site Administrator Training - ONHRDB Knowledge Base - CAMH Reports Training: Reports Training - ONHRDB Knowledge Base - CAMH SustainabilityOnce staff are ready to begin entering data into the ONHRDB, your support person will remain in contact to resolve any issues. After one month of use, your support person will ensure that any issues are closed-off and your agency will be instructed to contact our general helpdesk support with any further questions or requests. Online training and support resources will also be made available to all users at your agency.
Typical first steps