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The follow following letter was sent to agencies to inform them of the upcoming ONHRDB implementation for cohort #2 and #3 of the provincial scale-up.
Cohort 2 send date:
Cohort 3 send date:
As part of the ONHRDB initiative, CAMH, in partnership with Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC) is implementing NEO, a comprehensive harm reduction service management and reporting system, at all sites in Ontario offering publicly-funded harm reduction services. NEO is a secure web-based application used by harm reduction service providers (HRSPs) for service management and reporting.
HRSPs will use NEO to record information about the clients who access, participate in, and/or are reached through the provincial harm reduction programs: Needle Exchange Programs, Hepatitis C Teams, Harm Reduction Outreach Programs and agencies participating in the Ontario Naloxone Program.
As a provider of (harm reduction outreach/needle syringe program/Ontario Naloxone Program/Hepatitis C Team), your agency has been identified by the Ministry of Health Steering Committee to implement the ONHRDB over the next few months. My role is to configure NEO to best meet your agency’s needs, train you and your staff on how to use the system, and guide your agency through the implementation.
To learn more about your harm reduction programming and operations I would like to schedule an interview with your agency. This meeting will also give you the opportunity to raise any questions or concerns before we proceed with any further work. This meeting should: