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Deleting accounts


Administrators are able to create new staff accounts using the "Manage Site Staff

button allows Site Administrators to create, manage, and delete site user accounts in NEO

" button.

On this page

How to Add a New Staff Account

As a Site Administrator, you can create new NEO360 accounts for staff members at your sites. 

  1. Click Manage Site Staff.

  2. Click on the Site the new staff member most regularly distributes harm reduction supplies.

  3. Click the New User button , and fill out the new user form with the following details.

User Details

  • Enter the staff member’s first First name and last and Last name. The Display Name (optional) is the name that will be displayed on the NEO home screen of NEO when the user logs in.
  • Email address: this email address will be used by the new user if they need to reset their password.

Login Details

  • Username: the username is used to log in.
  • Password: you can leave this field blank, and a default, temporary password will be assigned to the new user automatically.
    • The temporary password is indicated on the right-hand side of the screen.
  • Active: Make sure you select "Yes", or else the user won't be able to log in.


  • General: Do not select any of these options. Click here to read more about "News", and keep reading to learn how to set up "Reports" accounts.
  • Modules: select the Modules the staff will require access to. This section determines what type of data staff members are able to enter.
    • Naloxone
    • NX Transaction (NEP/NSP Module)
      • NEP/NSP Transaction
    • Needle Exchange Aggregate Data (Bulk Entry Module)
    • CTS
      • Real Time
      • Retro (Backdate Module)
    • Click here to read more about the different permission options.

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Click Save.

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How to Give Staff Access to Multiple Sites

staff access to multiple sitesA staff person member might need access to multiple Sites if they distribute harm reduction supplies from multiple locations, or if one staff person is responsible for entering data on behalf of multiple workers and locations.

  1. Click the Multi Site button next to the account name name (this button looks like a little cluster of buildings).Image Modified
  2. Click the Needle Exchange module.
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    *If you do not see the above options, contact support.

  3. Select which Sites the user needs access to.
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  4. If you do not see the appropriate Site as an option, contact support.
  5. Repeat this step for the Naloxone Used module module.
TipOnce you create your


After successfully creating new user accounts, you can

send you users these instructions on how to log in

utilize the link provided below to send instructions to your users regarding their first-time login process:

How do I log into NEO360

By clicking on the link, your users will be directed to a resource that provides step-by-step guidance on accessing their accounts for the first time.

>>Setup new reporting/admin accounts

This will assist them in navigating the login process smoothly and ensuring a seamless initial experience.

titleSetting up New Reporting/Administrator Accounts

You must contact ONHRDB Service Desk if you wish to grant multiple users access to NEO's reporting and administrative functions.

Regular user

User accounts do not have these functions, and users will need a separate account to access reporting and admin functions.


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Next page >>Deleting accounts

If the new user has an existing account in NEO with the same email, you will need to deactivate the account before the new account can be created.


Please contact the Service Desk, if you are missing any sites.

Video Instructions


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