Demographic data includes information on individual's race, ethnicity, language, gender and sexual orientation, family status and level of income. Its collection is often accompanied by a specific confusion as to why this kind of information needs to be solicited. As well, difficulties in explaining the reason for soliciting the information, on the part of agency staff, or why the information needs to be provided, on the part of a client, and even whether it is legal to collect this kind of information.
To a particular client, collecting data on income or ethnicity might seem invasive and irrelevant since the client is already accessing treatment. However, these data are relevant to the future clients, the availability and planning of the treatment services and what kinds of people might need this treatment in the future and how to reach them.
In fact, The Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) states that the information on client's demographic characteristics can be collected as long as it is used within the limited purposes outlined by the OHRC, which is to determine the needs of the particular populations and the possible interruptions of service to those needs.
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