The Glossary of Reports is also available in Catalyst under the Reports Menu Icon
Please keep in the definition of Open vs. New Admission
Admissions to an agency that were open during a reporting period
Comprised of carryovers and new admissions
Carryover = admission that was open at the beginning of the reporting period (i.e., 00:01 AM on the first day of the reporting period)
New admissions = admissions that were open during the reporting period
Does not represent unique individuals (i.e., if a person is admitted twice during the reporting period - this would count as two admissions) - Def'n of report sections.
Aggregate Reports (AG): The Aggregate (AG) Reports summarize client characteristics for specific data such as demographic information from the required fields. Age and gender are included in most reports.
Client Reports (CL): The Client Reports show client admission, program and demographic information for clients
Data Checking Reports (DC)
Data Download (Data Dump) (DD)
Data Quality Analysis Tool
OHRS (formerly MIS) Reports