The Glossary of Reports is also available in Catalyst under the Reports Menu Icon
Parameters are the options available to customize the data returned in the report.
Report Categories:
- Aggregate Reports (AG): client characteristics for specific data such as demographic information from the required fields - age and gender are included in most reports
- Client Reports (CL): client admission, program and demographic information for clients
- Data Checking Reports (DC): show errors such as duplicates that will affect your agency's data quality
- Data Download (Data Dump) (DD): all data including custom fields per Catalyst screen as well as for the Activity Log
- Data Quality Analysis Tool: interactive reports that provide evaluations on up-to-the-minute data quality issues and provide a faster, more efficient means to monitor and correct these issues.
- OHRS (formerly MIS) Reports: statistical client activity data in general, by program as well as in a detailed report
- Program Agency Reports: specific program information for both client and worker. These reports include, but are not limited to case load, activities, outgoing referrals and wait list.
- Provincial Comparisons (PC) Reports: summarizes overall provincial and regional comparison client data by year - there are specific reports for RWMS agencies
- Staff Reports: summarizes and details activities recorded in the Activity Log and lists active workers
Please keep in the definition of New vs. Open Admission
New admission: Admission that was opened during the reporting period
Carryover Admission: Admission that was opened at the beginning of the reporting period (for example at 00:01 AM on the first day of the reporting period)
Open Admission: New Admissions + Carryover Admissions
- Represents any admission that was open at any time during the reporting period
Does not represent unique individuals - if a person is admitted twice during the reporting period this will be recorded as two admission