Overview of Steps

  1. Review DD reports structure to understand the required data linkages here
  2. Extraction of Case Notes by DATIS
  3. HSP runs DD-01 to obtain Client Admission details
  4. HSP runs DD-03 to obtain Client details
  5. HSP runs DD-07 to obtain Client program
  6. HSP runs DD-11 to obtain Activity Log Individual Appointment Details
  7. HSP runs DD-13 to obtain Activity Log Group Appointment Details
  8. The vendor matches the activity IDs from the Case Notes to the solo client or group client(s), and if there is no activity ID then the vendor will use DD-01 and -03 to match the case note to the client and the specific admission the note was recorded against

Step 1: Review DD Reports Structure

Before beginning the Case Notes migration process, please thoroughly review the data documentation we have provided here: Catalyst Offboarding - Data Downloads for Migration.  Understanding what purpose each of these reports serve and knowing the fields they contain is essential towards ensuring as smooth a transition as possible.

Step 2: Extraction of Case Notes by DATIS

  1. The first step to transferring your case notes from Catalyst to your new records system is to request an extract of your case notes from DATIS. You must complete and submit the Case Notes and Attachments Request Form by replying to the last service desk email for Catalyst Offboarding.  The DATIS team will extract your Case Notes and Attachments once your team has stopped entering information into Catalyst. Your Case Notes and Attachments will only be extracted by DATIS on the next business day after you've indicated the last day of entry in the initial form or in an email reply requesting an updated date. *If your team is still actively using Catalyst after the Case Notes and Attachments have been extracted by the DATIS team, any new Case Notes and Attachments will not be included in these files for migration and the process will need to be repeated. Please note that we send all Case Notes and Attachments from inception until the moment we perform the extraction. 
  2. You will receive your Case Notes content and metadata in a spreadsheet sent through CAMH's Secure File Transfer Protocol system, and your case notes attachments (if you have attached them) will be sent as BLOB files to the same portal.
  3. The Case Notes extract spreadsheet will look something like the sample below:

pmult123ABC13/3/2024 9:3511

hadafzScreeningInitial meeting to establish needs in non-Activity Log program

pmult123ABC23/23/2024 5:150013/23/2024hadafzIndividual AppointmentMet with client to discuss service plan in Activity Log programAInformation on client.pdf
pmult123ABC33/30/2024 12:210023/30/2024hadafzGroup AppointmentClient group met to discuss agency rulesA

Step 3:  HSP runs DD-01 to Obtain Client Admission Details

  1. In order for your client Admissions to be loaded correctly, you'll need to run the DD-01 report.  This report has a date range parameter, so please note that if you run the Admissions report for a narrow time-frame then none of the clients admissions recorded before your start date will be downloaded to the data extract.  If a client admission isn't in DD-01 it can cause issues with data linkages to case notes and activities, so it's advisable to download all admissions for all time unless there is a specific technical reason why this is not feasible.  The issue that can arise is if you have any clients who have a long period of time in an open admission, then if the admission date is prior to the cutoff (e.g. we download all case notes, but only the last two years of admissions) there will be no way to link the client admission to any programs, case notes or activities that have been recorded since (e.g. the client was admitted 3 years ago, but since the cutoff was 2 years of admissions none of their data can be properly linked-up). 
  2. For the rows of the Case Notes Extract where an ADMISSION_NO and PROGRAM_NO are listed (1st row)
  3. Link the Case Notes extract to the associated client admission by linking the ADMISSION_NO and CLIENT_ID to their respective matches in DD-01.  From the 2nd column from the left in the table above you can see that the CLIENT_ID associated to these notes is 123, and in the 6th column you can see that all the notes that were recorded were recorded against the client's first admission (ADMISSION_NO = 1)

Step 4:  HSP runs DD-03 to Obtain Client Details

  1. DD-03 is a client demographics report and needs to be run to gather the demographic details for this client.  Fields such as Name, Gender and age (DOB) all come from this report.  The Client ID is a unique field for the HSP, as only one client will have this ID and it is to be used to link their records across all the reports.

Step 5:  HSP runs DD-07 to Obtain Client Program Details

  1. From PROGRAM_NO, the 7th column from the left in the Case Notes Extract table displayed above, we can see on the 1st row that client 123 was enrolled in one program with case notes recorded against it (program # 1).  Using the CLIENT_ID, ADMISSION_NO and PROGRAM_NO fields from the Case Notes Extract, you can match the client case note to the program it was recorded against.
  2. From the PROGRAM_NAME and PROGRAM_NO columns on the DD-07 sample table below we can see that the client with ID #123 was enrolled in the INITIAL ASSESSMENT program for the 1st case note above, and the CASE COUNSELING program for the remaining case notes:

ABCNAMEFAKE01-01-19001115:321INITIAL ASSESSMENT503-03-202403-06-2024123
ABCNAMEFAKE01-01-19001115:322CASE COUNSELING303-10-2024

Please note: the table above has been condensed to fit your screen.  The real DD-07 report has 83 columns, and the client ID is listed on the last column as FOR CLIENT MAPPING PURPOSES

Step 6:  HSP runs DD-11 to Obtain Activity Log Individual Appointment Details

  1.  From the ACTLOG_ID in the Case Notes Extract, match to the information in the row where the same ACTLOG_ID is listed. 
  2.  Since the Case Note is linked to an Activity Log session, the ADMISSION_NO, PROGRAM_NO and PROGRAM_NAME associated with the note can be found in this report.
  3.  The appointment date and time, service details, and caseworkers can also be located in the columns of this report.

Step 7:  HSP runs DD-13 to obtain Activity Log Group Appointment Details

  1.  Similar to the step above, whenever a GROUP_ID is indicated in the Case Notes Extract, such as in the 3rd entry in the Case Notes Extract, match the to the information in the row where the same ACTLOG_ID listed.
  2.  Since the Case Note is linked to a group Activity Log session, the GROUP_NAME and PROGRAM_NAME associated with the note can be found in this report.
  3.  The appointment date and time, group name, client status in the group, service details, and caseworkers can all be located in the columns of this report.


The vendor matches the activity IDs from the Case Notes to the solo client or group client activities in DD-11 and DD-13 and uses DD-01 and -03 to link the activity back to the client and the particular admission that the note was recorded against.  If there is no activity ID, then the Activity Log was not used and the vendor will use DD-01, -03 and -07 to match the case note to the client, admission and the specific program the note was recorded against.

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