Release Date: August 16, 2021
DATIS has made three changes to the Mandatory Data Set in Catalyst:
Each change will be explained in detail below.
Primary Problem Substance
What prompted this change?
Prior to the addition of the Primary Problem Substance field, Catalyst has captured up to five Presenting Problem Substances per admission with no ranking as to which substance is the most problematic for a client. At a clinical level, this information will help inform a client’s treatment plan, and at an aggregate level to spot trends and get a better understanding of what is happening “on the ground”.
What is the change and what does it looks like?
A new Primary Problem Substance field and a corresponding Frequency of Use field have been added to the Substance Use area on the Admission Information screen. These fields are located above the Presenting Problem Substance fields.
How does the change affect data entry?
All new or open admissions as of the go-live date will be required to enter a Primary Problem Substance and its frequency (Note: any previously opened admissions should have the Primary Problem Substance and frequency entered prior to performing other actions, such as a referral or discharge). Previously discharged admissions do not require updating, but can be updated at the user’s discretion.
What prompted this change?
The Gender options historically offered in Catalyst are in need of updating to provide a more inclusive list of options to better represent the clients seeking care.
What is the change and what does it looks like?
The options of Male, Female, and Other have been replaced with:
How does the change affect data entry?
Data entry for the Gender data element will remain the same in that the user will choose the appropriate option from the drop down list.
All clients with a gender of Male or Female will be replaced with Man and Woman, respectively. This means that if a client record identifies the Gender as Female, this will change to Woman once the updates take place. DATIS will not change historical information for client records identifying Other as the gender. This means, for example, if a client’s Gender is Other, this value will remain selected, but greyed out until it is updated. Changing a client’s gender can be done by selecting a new option and saving. Once a new option has been selected, the inactive option (Other) will no longer be available. Users will not be required to update client data for admissions opened prior to the implementation of the updates.
New admissions
All new admissions opened after the update to the gender options, where the client’s gender is Other will be required to update the gender to an active option. The Add Admission button will be greyed out until the gender of Other is updated on the Client Information page to an active value.
Health Status/problems: Pregnant
All business rules for this data element have been removed. This means that all options in the drop down are available to choose regardless of the client’s selected gender.
What prompted this change?
The list of ethnicities offered in Catalyst is outdated and not reflective of clients seeking care.
What is the change and what does it looks like?
The long list of ethnicities has been replaced by a shorter, more up-to-date list.
Asian-East (e.g. Chinese, Japanese, Korean) | Latin American (e.g. Argentinean, Chilean, Salvadoran) | Asiatique - Est (p. ex. Chinois, Japonais, Coréen) | Amèrique latine (p. ex. Argentin, Chilien et Salvadorien) | |
Asian-South (e.g. Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan) | Métis | Asiatique - Sud (p. ex. Indien, Pakistanais, Sri Lankais) | Métis | |
Asian - South East (e.g. Malaysian, Filipino, Vietnamese) | Middle Eastern (e.g. Egyptian, Iranian, Lebanese) | Asiatique - Sud-Est (p. ex. Malaisien, Philippin, Vietnamien) | Moyen-Orient (p. ex. Égyptien, Iranien, Libanais) | |
Black - African (e.g. Ghanaian, Kenyan, Somali) | White - European (e.g. English, Italian, Portuguese, Russian) | Noir - Africain (p. ex. Ghanéen, Kenyan, Somali) | Blanc – Européen (p. ex. Anglais, Italien, Portugais et Russe) | |
Black-Caribbean (e.g. Barbadian, Jamaican)
| White-North American (e.g. Canadian, American) | Noir - Caraïbes (p. ex. Barbadien, Jamaïcain) | Blanc – Amérique due Nord (p. ex. Canadien, Américain) | |
Black-North American (e.g. Canadian, American) | Mixed heritage (e.g. Black - African & White – North American) | Noir - Amérique du Nord (p. ex. Canadien, Américain) | Patrimoine mixte (p. ex. Noir – Africain et blanc – Nord-Américain) | |
First Nations | Other(s) | Première nations | Autre(s) | |
Indian - Caribbean (e.g. Guyanese with origins in India) | Prefer not to answer | Indien - Carïbes (p. ex. des Guyanais d'origine indienne) | Préfère ne pas répondre | |
Indigenous/Aboriginal - not included elsewhere | Do not know | Indigène/Autochtone - non inclus ailleurs | Ne sais pas | |
Inuit | Unknown to staff | Inuit | Inconnu au personnel |
Note: Historical data has not been mapped to the new ethnicity options, except in the case of First Nations, Métis and Inuit where the values remain the same.
How does the change affect data entry?
Data entry for the Ethnicity data element will remain the same in that the user will choose the appropriate option from the drop down list.
Since DATIS has not mapped historical ethnicity data to the updated options (except in the cases outlined above), the historical value will be selected but greyed out (inactive) until it is updated. Changing a client’s ethnicity can be done by selecting a new option and saving. Once a new option has been selected, the inactive options will no longer be available. Users will not be required to update client data for admissions opened prior to the implementation of the updates.
DATIS will not change historical information entered in client records. This means, for example, if a client’s ethnicity was entered as Portuguese, this value will remain selected, but will be greyed out until it is updated to the new value of White - European (e.g. English, Italian, Portuguese, Russian). Changing a client’s ethnicity can be done by selecting a new option on the Client Information page and saving. Once a new option has been selected, the inactive options will no longer be available for selection. Users will not be required to update client data for admissions opened prior to the implementation of the updates.
New admissions
All new admissions opened after the update to the Ethnicity options, where the client’s ethnicity has been inactivated will be required to update the ethnicity to an active option. The Add Admission button will be greyed out until the ethnicity is updated to an active value.
Please note: DATIS is working with CCIM to accommodate the impact these changes will have to IAR submissions.