Lists the total number of new admissions, carryovers and discharges during the selected period.
Report Columns
- Total Number of Carryovers - the number of admissions that were carried over into the reporting period.
- Total Number of Admissions – the number of admissions that were admitted during the reporting period.
- Total Number of Open Admissions – Total Number of Carryovers + Total Number of Admissions.
- Total Number of First Admissions – the number of first time admissions during the reporting period.
- Total Number of Re-admissions – the number of re-admissions during the reporting period.
- Total Number of Discharges – the number of admission discharged during the reporting period.
- Total Number of Individual Clients – the number of individual clients with open admissions during the reporting period.
- Average Age – the average age of clients with open admission during the reporting period.
- Minimum Age – the minimum age of clients with open admission during the reporting period.
- Maximum age – the maximum age of clients with open admission during the reporting period.
- Admission Date Range – specifies the admission date range to report on.
- Admission Site – specifies the admission site to which the clients were admitted.
- Primary Worker ID – specifies the primary worker ID(s) to be reported on.
- NOTE: User can selected “*” for all primary workers. User can also select “Agency” to generate the statistics at the agency level.
Include Carryovers – indicates whether the report should include carryovers.
Include NonMoH – indicates whether the report should include admissions with non-MoH funded program registrations only.