Lists clients by reason for program termination. Percentages of complete and incomplete programs are also displayed.
(1) Percentages are rounded to the nearest integer.
(2) The age at admission is used in the age calculation
(3) Programs terminated with any Reason For Termination other than “01” are considered as “incomplete terminations”.
Report Columns
- Program ID – The program ID of the program
- Program Name – The program name of the program
- Total Number of Program Terminations (Completed) – For programs with The number of program terminations with Reason For Termination “01”, i.e. completed program.
- % Of All Program Terminations (Completed) – The percentage of program terminations with Reason For Termination “01”, i.e. completed program.
- Total Number of Program Terminations (Incomplete) – The number of program terminations with Reason For Termination other than “01”.
- % Of All Program Terminations (Incomplete) – The percentage of program terminations with Reason For Termination other than “01”.
- Reason for Termination – Reason for termination
- Number Of Program Terminations: The number of programs, with the specified program ID, that were terminated for the specified reason for termination
- % Of All Program Terminations – The percentage of program terminations, with the specified program ID, that were terminated for the specified reason for termination.
- Name – Client name
- Chart/File # - Client’s chart/file #
- Admission # - Admission number
- Age – Client’s age at admission
- City – Client’s city of residence at admission
- Program Start Date – Program registration date
- Program End Date – Program termination date
- Number of Days in Program – The number of days that the client has spent in the program
- Program Outcomes – Outcomes of the program
- Primary Worker – Client’s primary worker
- Program End Date Range – specifies the program end date range to report on.
- Admission/Program Site – specifies the admission/program site to which the programs were registered.
- Program ID – specifies the program ID(s) to report on. NOTE: Users can enter one or more program ID’s or enter “*” for ALL programs
- Reason for Termination – specifies the reason for termination to report on.