Lists clients with open admissions during the selected time period, for the agency as whole or for individual agency sites.
Report Columns
- Name – Client Name
- Chart/File # - Client’s chart/file number
- Admission Date – The admission date of the open admission
- Admission Time – The admission time of the open admission
- Admission Site - The admission site of the open admission
- Admission # - The admission number of the open admission
- Discharge Date & Time - The discharge date and time of the admission, if any
- Primary Worker – The primary worker of the admission
- Comments – Space for users to add in their comments
- Admission Date Range – specifies the admission date range to report on. NOTE: Enter the current date as the begin and end dates to get a list of clients who are currently open.
- Admission Site – specifies the admission site to which a client was admitted. Users can enter “*” for all sites.
- Primary Worker – specifies the primary worker to report on.