Examples of Actions that Demonstrate a Real Commitment to Equity

Definition of Anti-Racism

According to the Ontario Human Rights Commission, anti-racism is a commitment and planned ongoing process to eliminate racism and racial discrimination in its various forms (individual, institutional and systemic). The first step in anti-racism is admitting that racism exists in individuals, organizations and society as a whole and acknowledging the need for active ongoing measures to counter it.
YWHO’s Provincial Office is committed to anti-racism and encourages YWHO hub sites to use the resource provided on this page for implementing site-level actions.

Site-Level Actions

A list of concrete examples of site-level actions that Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario (YWHO) could undertake to prioritize anti-racism across the initiative.

Comprehensive Multi-Level Actions

This document offers a list of examples of actions Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario (YWHO) could undertake to prioritize anti-racism across YWHO initiatives. This list is not exhaustive and is rather meant to offer a starting point to develop   more comprehensive anti-racism action plans/strategic plans across YWHO sites.

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