Good afternoon,
We are pleased to inform you that the Ontario Harm Reduction Database (ONHRDB) project has now entered its implementation phase. The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) will manage the ONHRDB implementation on behalf of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC), which will be used by the following ministry funded harm reduction programs:
As you are likely aware, the ONHRDB is a comprehensive harm reduction reporting system that will benefit provincial harm reduction programs by better managing their data collection, and help sites meet ministry reporting requirements. In addition, the ONHRDB will allow the ministry to have access to robust harm reduction related data to better inform policy and program decision making.
All of the aforementioned harm reduction programs will use the ONHRDB to record information about the harm reduction services they provide, including distribution of harm reduction materials and naloxone. To ensure consistent and comparable reporting across Ontario, it is the expectation of the ministry that all of the aforementioned harm reduction programs will use the ONHRDB.
The implementation of the ONHRDB will be phased-in with approximately ten sites going live every month. Sites can expect to be contacted approximately a month in advance of their anticipated implementation month.
We look forward to working with you to implement this important provincial initiative. Please refer to the “Quick Facts” document attached for additional information. Should you have any questions or concerns about this initiative please contact Susan Allen, Senior Project Lead, Ontario Harm Reduction Database, susan.allen(at)
Alternatively, you can contact the Addiction and Substances Policy and Programs Unit, at addictionandsubstances(at) or Fiona Sillars, Senior Program Consultant, AIDS and Hepatitis C Programs at fiona.sillars(at)
We look forward to working with you to implement this important provincial initiative.
Karen MacCon
Director, Data Management and Evaluation
33 Russell Street
Toronto, Ontario