Getting familiar with a few terms/concepts prior to choosing and running reports will help with correct interpretation of the data.


The options available to customize the data returned in a report.

Open Admissions

Open admissions are those admissions to an agency that were open at any time during a reporting period. Open admissions include:

If a person is admitted twice during a reporting period, this would count as 2 admissions.

Open Admissions = Carryovers + New Admissions

For example if the reporting period is April 1, 2002 - April 30, 2002

The following client admission records will be considered open admissions:

ClientAdmission DateDischarge DateAdmission Type
1March 30, 2020April 1, 2020Carry-over
2March 5, 2020April 15, 2020Carry-over
3March 5, 2020
4April 10, 2020April 29, 2020New
5April 10, 2020April 30, 2020New
6April 6, 2020

The following admission records will not be included, as they fall outside of the reporting period:

ClientAdmission DateDischarge DateAdmission Type
1March 5, 2020March 29, 2020
2May 1, 2020May 20, 2020
3May 3, 2020

Open admissions are sometime reported as of a certain day instead of during a time period. In this case the admissions can be either carryover admissions that were still open on that day or admissions that have been opened on that day.


The Number of discharges during a reporting period includes all admissions that have a discharge date within the reporting period no matter what the admission date is.
For example if the reporting period is April 1, 2002 - April 30, 2002

The following client admissions will be counted as discharges:

ClientAdmission DateDischarge Date
1March 30, 2020April 1, 2020
2March 5, 2020April 15, 2020
3April 10, 2020April 29, 2020
4April 10, 2020April 30, 2020

The following discharges will not be included, as they fall outside of the reporting period:

ClientAdmission DateDischarge Date
1March 5, 2020March 29, 2020
2March 5, 2020May 20, 2020
3April 10, 2020June 10, 2020
4April 6, 2020

Individual Clients

The number of individual clients with open admissions (as in the Case Load Summary Report) refers to the number of clients that have had at least one open admission (see definition above) during the reporting period. If a client has 2 or more admissions during this period, only 1 is reported.

For example if the reporting period is April 1, 2002 – April 30, 2002 and and if an agency has the following client admissions in the database only, then the number of Open individuals is 4.

ClientAdmission DateDischarge Date
540March 20, 2020April 5, 2020
560March 30, 2020April 1, 2020
902March 5, 2020April 15, 2020
540April 9, 2020April 20, 2020
540April 25, 2020
560April 10, 2020April 30, 2020
1009April 6, 2020
1010May 1, 2020
1011February 2, 2020March 15, 2020

Notes: Refreshed Nightly

Some reports are refreshed nightly. Any data added or modified will not be reflected in these reports until the following day.  Reports are refreshed during business days from Monday to Friday. If data were entered on the weekend, the numbers will appear on Tuesday.