Site Administrators can utilize the Edit Client module to make modifications to client information, they also can delete client records if necessary.

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How to Edit/Delete Client Details

Site Administrators can utilize the Edit Client module to make modifications to client information, they also have the ability to delete client records if necessary.

  1. Click on the Edit Client button on the NEO homepage.

  2. Select the Gender, Prefix from the drop-down then enter the client reference code

  3. Details - this section will allow you to update the following fields:
    Registered On,
    Year of Birth and 
    Referral Date.

  4. Substances Currently Using - within this section, you will have the capability to remove substances as necessary or update the status of substances to "No Longer Using." This functionality allows you to make modifications to the client's substance list based on the most up-to-date information.

  5. Substances - this section will allow you to add any substances the client is using.

  6. Substance No Longer Using - If any updates were made in the "Substance Currently Using" section, this particular section will now show the substances that the client is no longer consuming. It serves as a record of the substances that have been discontinued or no longer reported by the client.

  7. Once all changes are completed. click Update to apply the changes.

Only Clients that do not have any transactions recorded can be deleted from NEO by clicking "Delete" at the bottom of the page.

How to Edit/Delete NEP/NSP Transactions

Site Administrators can access the NX Edit Transaction module, which enables them to edit or delete specific transactions recorded within the system. This functionality allows them to make adjustments to transaction details, correct any inaccuracies, or remove transactions that are no longer valid or required.

  1. Run report 101-Transactions, selecting "Detailed transactions with items", for the approximate date period when the mistaken data occurred, and export the report to Excel. This will help you identify the mistaken transactions.

  2. Click on the Edit NX Transaction module on the NEO homepage.

  3. There are three ways to search for a transaction:
    a.If the mistaken transaction occurred with a specific client reference code, search the transaction by entering the code to retrieve all their transactions.
    b.If the mistaken transaction occurred on a specific date (you should be able to identify this with the report above), search by date.
    c. The transaction ID can be used to search for transactions (the transaction ID can be located by running the raw data report in the SAP portal).

Searching Transactions using the Client Reference Code or Transaction Date

1. If you want to search for a transaction using the client reference code, select the Gender, the Prefix, and enter the client reference code.

2. If you want to search for a transaction using the transaction date, click on the calendar icon to select the specific date the transaction occurred. Please note this method will display all NEP transactions that took place on the selected date.

3. Click the Edit button (pencil).

4. Edit the mistaken items or Delete the transaction entirely. 

Searching Transactions using the Transaction ID

To search a transaction by Transaction ID you will need to:

1. Run the NEP & ONP raw data report in the SAP portal.

2. Click on the NEP/NSP Transactions tab in the NEP & ONP raw data report.

3. The NEP/NSP Transactions tab will display all transactions, once you identify the transaction that require correction/deletion copy the Transaction ID (this is also helpful for Bulk Entry transactions as it will batch transactions into a single transaction screen for the ease of editing).

4. Paste the Transaction ID into NEO

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