Add/Register a New Client
YWHO Data Collection Platform Training - page 5/17
Client Profile
Video Instructions:
The YWHO data collection platform’s Landing Page, which is the Search page, is used to locate client profiles that have been added to the platform.
There are two sub-tabs on this page:
- Search
- List of Clients
The List of Clients page uses the criteria entered in the search page to populate client lists; this means that you will always need to include a search criteria in order for a list of clients to appear on this page.
To use the Search function:
- Select the SEARCH tab on the top-left corner of the screen.
- Note that the Search page will open up by default when you access the YWHO data collection platform.
- The options outlined below are the available search fields. Use these fields to conduct your search:
- Last Name: Client’s last name
- Date of Birth: Client’s date of birth
- Age: Client’s age
- This client is a: If the client is a youth or caregiver
- Pre-existing client id: An ID that has been linked with the client’s profile that is not their Client ID
- Client ID: Client’s ID as generated by the YWHO data collection platform.
- Click on the SEARCH button at the bottom of the screen
- This will load the list of clients that satisfy the search criteria included in step 2.
- Client IDs can be shared among hub service providers supporting the same client, to locate the client’s profile.
- When greeting a client who has received hub services, the client’s first name, last name, and date of birth should be requested and used to locate their profile.
- Using a search criteria that includes the client’s first and last name, and date of birth should generate only one client profile to choose from in most cases.
- To remove search criteria, go back to the Search tab and click on the CLEAR FILTERS button at the bottom of the screen.
- To generate a list of all clients who have a profile for your site, use the following criteria: “Age – Greater than 12, Less than 30”. These criteria should pull up all of the client profiles in your site.
List of Clients
The List of Clients page will show all of the client profiles created on the Add a New Client page that meet your search criteria.
The List of Clients page will include a brief overview of clients at the bottom of the page. This brief overview includes the following information:
- Title: Includes the total number of visits for a selected client.
- Visit Date: Includes visit dates for each client visit.
- User Name: Includes the name of the service provider who created each specific client visit.
- Visit Owner: Includes the name of one service provider who provided services to the client.
- Note that only one visit owner can be seen on the List of Clients
- No. of Service: Includes the number of services that the client received in each specific visit.
- Both the Start of visit form (START_VISIT) and End of visit form (END_VISIT) must be completed in order for this column to be automatically populated for each client visit.
To access a client's profile on the List of Clients page:
- Select the client row and click on the SELECT button (bottom-right hand side of your screen); or
- Double-click on the corresponding client row.