We are excited to extend an invitation to your organization to join a monthly virtual Community of Practice (CoP) for MHA providers to support the implementation of the Mental Health and Addictions Provincial Data Set (MHA-PDS). The CoPs are open to organizations who are at all stages of exploration, planning, migration, implementation and reporting on the PDS.   

Why?: The CoPs are organized by client management system (CMS) to foster collaboration and to provide a forum for sharing questions, challenges, best practices and resources related to PDS implementation in the CMS that are currently PDS compliant. 

Who? We recommend that the person most responsible for implementing the PDS or the person who manages your CMS in your organization attend. 

When?: There will be four CoP meetings held on Fridays from 12-1pm EST. To RSVP, please click on the following links:

  1. Week 1 (Starts June 7): CRMS
  2. Week 2 (Starts June 14): Treat and CaseWORKS
  3. Week 3 (Starts June 21): EMHware
  4. Week 4 (Starts June 28): Organizations using any CMS that were unable to attend their vendor-specific session and/or have general questions about PDS implementation

These CoP meetings will be an avenue to collate issues that can be shared with CMS vendors, the Ontario Health MHA Centre of Excellence (CoE), DATIS and Reconnect to improve implementation. If you do not see your CMS included in the list below and would like to join a CoP, please reach out to us at pds@amho.ca if you’re an AMHO member or PDS_support@ontario.cmha.ca if you’re a CMHA branch to determine which CoP you may want to join.

The CoP will be supported by CMHA-Ontario and AMHO, and they will facilitate discussions regarding emerging needs and priorities identified by participants. Staff from the CMS vendors, CoE, DATIS and other stakeholders can be invited on an ad hoc basis, depending on the needs of the CoP participants.

Your participation will greatly enrich the discussions and contribute to our collective efforts in advancing MHA data practices. Your insights and experiences are invaluable as we work together to enhance the quality and effectiveness of mental health and addictions services in Ontario.

 For more information, please email us at PDS_support@ontario.cmha.ca or pds@amho.ca.