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What is your MHA PDS Plan? 

As part of the first-year commitment detailed within the Operational Direction (Data Submission Requirements for the Mental Health and Addictions Sector) released by Ontario Health on December 10, 2024, health service providers must submit a plan for how they will be and/or plan to become compliant with the MHA Provincial Data Set.

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How to submit your plan 

Click here to access your service desk account  

Don't have a Service Desk account? Click here for instructions to set up your account.

Log in to your service desk account 

Select 'Submit a Plan' request type

Fill in required and optional fields 

Note: Description of fields is indicated below 

When finished, click 'Create' to submit your plan.

Description of Submit a Plan form fields

Field Description 
Organization Legal Name The name that your organization is legally registered under.
Ontario Health Region Ontario Health has six regions that link Ontario Health with communities and provider partners. Please indicate which region your organization is a part of. The regions are: North East, North West, East, Central, Toronto, and West. 
Facility Number/MOH Organization ID Ontario Healthcare Financial and Statistical (OHFS) Facility ID. Also commonly referred to as your MIS ID or OHRS ID.
Primary Contact NameThe name of the individual who will be the main contact for this project at your organization.
Primary Contact PhoneYour primary contact's phone number. 
Primary Contact Email Your primary contact's email. 
Organization Type From the drop-down menu please select the category your organization falls under.
Which of the following Client Management Systems/Hospital Information Systems are you using for your mental health and addictions programming? From the drop-down menu please select the Client Management System/Hospital Information Systems being used for your mental health and addictions programming. 
Can you please identify what you use each system for (e.g., Mental health or addictions program client management referrals etc.):Provide a brief description (2-3 lines) of the purpose of each of your most important client management systems (e.g. Catalyst for addictions, EMHware for mental health, iCarol for coordinated access, etc.).
Which submission option are you considering to submit the MHA Provincial Data Set (MHA PDS)? 

If your organization already uses CRMS, CaseWORKS (VitalHub), EMHware or TREAT (VitalHub) to manage your MHA clients and programs please submit a plan indicating your intention to (a) use your existing client management system to submit the MHA PDS. The DATIS Service Desk team will work with Ontario Health and your vendor to coordinate the onboarding process.

If you are not currently using one of the PDS-compliant vendors listed above, you may need to procure a new system in order to submit the MHA PDS. While you are considering your options for a PDS-compliant vendor please submit a plan indicating your intention to (b) migrate to a new client management system to submit the MHA PDS. You can update your plan after you have selected your vendor.

If you are a public hospital using a health information system (HIS), or you have access to an HIS through your partnership with a hospital, please you may submit a plan indicating your interest in submitting the MHA PDS through (c) an independent submissionHospitals may also choose to submit through a compliant client management system if preferred.

If you believe you are eligible to (d) submit a flat file of the MHA PDS due to the limited scope of your MHA programming, please select this option.

What is your target data to begin collecting the MHA PDS From the drop-down menu please indicate when you are planning to begin collecting the MHA PDS. You may select 'Do Not Know' if you are unsure about this date. 
Are you considering partnering with another service provider to become MHA PDS compliant?From the drop-down, please select your intention of partnering with another service provide to become MHA PDS compliant.