If you are having issues logging into the service desk platform, or are receiving error messages regarding an incorrect password, please follow the steps below. 

Step-by-step guide

  1. First follow this link to bring you to the service desk site. (https://jira.camh.ca/plugins/servlet/desk)
  2. On the log in page, you will be prompted to insert your credentials. If you receive an error, please click on the forgot password link below the log in button. 
  3. It will then redirect you to a page where you will need to input your username, and select "Email me". Typically, your username is your email. 
  4. Once submitted you should then receive an email with a password reset link. Once that link is clicked, you will be redirected to the log in page. This is where you can set a new password. 
  5. Once your new password is set, make note of it and you should now be able to access the site. 

I did not receive an email... What do I do now? 

  1.  There are a couple reasons why you may not have received a password reset email. There is a chance your username is not your email, the email you entered is incorrect, or not the one associated with you service desk account. 
  2. In order to get in touch with us so we can perform a password reset on your behalf, you will need to contact someone at your agency who has a service desk account. They can then submit a ticket on your behalf. 
      1. Please ensure they include your full name and email
  3. Once the password reset has been performed, we will get in touch with you directly via email to send you your new credentials.