The GAIN ABS contains a feature allowing users to extract client assessment data in bulk into one Excel file.  The output of the Export feature is a raw data file, with each row containing the responses/scores for each (respective) client assessment conducted.  For more information on extracting assessment data and for instructions on how to read the exported file see GAIN ABS bulk extract  supporting documentation (currently under construction).

**Please note, the document exported will serve to meet your organization's data retention policy provided the time frame of the data extracted covers the time frame in which you must retain your clients' files. 

Enabling the Export feature

The Export feature should be enabled only for

Access to the Export feature for an organization is enabled by Chestnut Health, and at the individual user level by DATIS.  HSPs wishing to enable this feature should open a ticket through the Catalyst Service Desk with the following information:

  • A request for the Export feature to be enabled for your organization
  • The Catalyst/GAIN ABS user for whom the permission should be granted to
  • Access to export is restricted to users with a GAIN ABS account. If your organization does not have staff with an account, indicate this in the ticket and the service desk team will assist. 

Steps to exporting in bulk:

Follow these steps after launching the GAIN ABS through Catalyst:

  1. In the top left corner of the screen, look for the option to Export and click on the link

2. Create a profile by clicking the plus ( + )  sign in the right top of the screen and enter a name for the extract. 

Please note: the profile you are creating is meant to save the settings/filters set for the extract. This has nothing to do with the account itself. 

3. Select the filters on the left and click the yellow Save button

4. Go to the right side of the screen to the Options area and place a check beside the options you wish to be included in the extract.

5. Click Process and wait for the report to be created. Your report will be in Downloads in the top right corner of the screen.  Click on Downloads as displayed below.
**Extracts with a large amount of data may take some time.

The number by Downloads will indicate how many reports you have run.

6. The extract will then be accessible to save from your browser's downloads area.

Interpreting the report responses 

In your downloads folder, you will find the GAIN Q3 report labeled as "GAIN-Q3-ONT" and any subsequent notes (if there were any), labeled as "GAIN-Q3-ONT_Notes"

First you will need to open the report spreadsheet:

Each column contains a question/field in the assessment with a row for each client assessment showing the client's response as a numerical value.  The first row contains the ID associated with each question/field in the assessment and can be mapped to the corresponding questions using the GAIN Q3 PDF Map.pdf

The numerical value responses can be interpreted using the table below: 

Numeric value corresponding response
         -3Local/not asked in version of assessment
         -4Missing response
         -6Confidential information (i.e., client name)
         -7Item refused
         -8Client responded “Don’t Know”
         -9Legitimate skip based on previous item responses

Using the report spreadsheet, the PDF map and the table above, you can determine clients' responses to each question.

For example:
if you want to know how your client responded to the following question: "You want to make changes in your behaviour at work because... you will get better evaluations."

Step 1. Open the GAIN Q3 PDF Map and locate a specific question:

Step 2. take note of the variable assigned to the question:

Step 3. Open the report spreadsheet and locate the response in the corresponding column: 

Step 4. Locate the numeric value associated with the response below:

Step 5. You can now determine that the response to question "You want to make changes in your behaviour at work because... you will get better evaluations."
            is -9, which according to the chart of values reads: "Legitimate skip based on previous item responses"

Note: For information on how to access and download individual GAIN Q3 Assessments please review Accessing and downloading GAIN Q3 assessments and reports

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