Prepares mailing labels for clients with valid addresses, i.e. addresses with street, city, province, and postal code.
Note: These labels are designed to print on Avery Standard Label #05962 (4 x 1.33 inches).
Report Columns
- N/A
- Admission/Program: specifies the program ID which the admissions must contain in order to be included in this report. NOTE: User can select “Admission” for “Any Program”
- Admission Status – specifies the admission status of the clients for whom the address labels will be generated. The available options are:
- All – all clients, regardless of their admission status
- Open – clients who had an open admission during the selected period
- Discharged – clients who were discharged during the selected period
- New – clients who were admitted during the selected period
- Discharge not readmitted – clients who were discharged and not readmitted during the selected period
- Never admitted – clients who were never admitted during the selected period
NOTE: The last two statuses are applicable when user selected “Admission” as the Program ID parameter - Client Site – specifies the site in which the clients are registered. Users can enter “*” for all sites.
NOTE: The Client Site refers to the site no in the Client Info screen. - Admission Date Range – specifies the admission date range to report on.