This article will guide you on how to create a template in Case Notes, how to delete the template you have created and how to use the template.
Creating a Template
- Enabling template use is done by sending a request to the DATIS Service Desk. Once DATIS has set up template use, an N will show in the corresponding field in the Agency Preferences.
- A Catalyst System Administrator will now have to enable templates and add the template needed. Templates can be turned on by going to Catalyst> Admin> Administration > Agency Preferences > Case Notes > Use a template for the Case Note text direct input - click on the dropdown and change this from N to Y.
- Once Y is selected the list of already loaded templates will become visible along with "Upload Template" panel.
- To upload a new template, expand the "Upload Template" panel > Browse for a .txt file > Upload the file > Save.
- After the file is saved, it will appear in the list of templates.
If a template is selected in the list, it can be deleted. If there is no selection, the "Delete selected template" button is not visible.
Only .txt files can be uploaded as a template in Case Notes. Any other file type will result in an error message stating that the file type is invalid.
Deleting a Template
Templates may be deleted by going to the template in Case Notes > select the template in the dropdown list > Delete selected template.
If you do not select the template you want to delete in the drop down menu the Delete selected template button will not be visible.
Using a Template
- When creating a new Case Note, select the Note Date first, in order to make the list of templates visible.
- Select a template from the list.
- Click Apply Selected Template (available only when a template is selected).
- The text of the template overrides the Case Note’s text.
Be aware of the text of the note overriding when applying a template, when you are editing a Case Note.
There is no undo functionality to the action of applying a template. If a template is applied on an existing Case Note by accident, exit the Case Notes with out saving to begin a new note.