
Gender relates to gender identity and is linked to a person’s sense of self, particularly the sense of being man, woman, both, or neither; a person’s gender identity may be different from their birth-assigned sex and is separate from their sexual orientation. 1

Guide for Use:

This data is collected at the initiation of treatment services. Select the option that the client most closely identifies with. 

Permissible ValuesTips for Use
ManFormerly Male.
Woman Formerly Female.
Other (de-listed)
Trans man
Trans woman
I don't identify with any of these optionsClient does not identify with of the gender options.
Prefer not to answerClient prefers not to answer.
Unknown to staffThe client's gender is unknown to the staff member, not the client self-identifying as unknown.


  • An essential component of the DATIS key which forms a semi-unique identifier for data manipulation purposes.
  • Used as a basic grouping variable in descriptions of the treatment population and for analysis of treatment trends and gaps.


  1.  Agic, B., McKeown, D., McKenzie, K., Pinto, A. Sinha, S. (2013). We ask because we care - The Tri-Hospital + TPH Health Equity Data Collection Research Project Report. Available: Accessed April 1, 2021.
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