Clients are locked and un-locked in the ACL.

How to Lock a Client

Watch a demo here or follow outlined steps below:


  1. Select Lock a Client
  2. Search for the Client to lock (3 different search methods outlined below) Click Lock at the start of the row for the client to be locked
  3. Client is removed from the list of clients
  4. To exit scroll to the bottom and select an option
  5. Same Steps with Screen shots
  6. Upon clicking on Continue, menu options appear on screen Select Lock a Client

  7. The client search screen displays on screen. Clients displayed on these search lists are not locked in Catalyst. Before locking any client, ensure there are no duplicates in the system.

  8. Select from the list by clicking LOCK at the beginning of the row displaying the client

  9. To take the next action after locking the client, move to the bottom of the screen and make the selection; to refresh the screen, clear all, go back one screen or Exit Access Control
  10. If trying to lock a client that is already locked, java error message appears on the screen.
  11. To search for another client, need to click Clear All to get rid of the previous information.

How to Unlock a Client

Watch a demo here or follow outlined steps below:


  1. Select Unlock a Client from the menu options.

  2. If there is a mapped relationship with a Catalyst user, it will be necessary to un-map the relationship first.
  3. Search for the client using one of the search options.
  4. Click Unlock at the beginning of the row for the client to be unlocked Client will disappear from list otherwise a message will result.
  5. Same steps with screen shots.
  6. Select the Unlock a Client option from the menu options.
  7. The function for the search options available for unlocking a client is the same as searching for a client to lock. The only difference is Clients displayed on these resulting lists are clients that were previously locked by the administrator and are still locked.
  8. If the Client record is still mapped to a Catalyst user, it will be necessary to Un-map the client before continuing. The following error message will result if the client is still mapped “Chosen Client has user associations. Un map the user(s) and client” as evidenced by the screen shot below.
  9. Once the client is displayed on screen, click the Unlock button to unlock the client record.
  10. The client will disappear from the ACL_CLIENTS_LOCKED list. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and make your selection.