A set of values that indicate the substances that the client has used in the past 12 months prior to initiation of treatment.
Guide for Use:
Substance Used data are to be collected reflecting the client’s usage status at the initiation of services at the agency. Select each substance used by the client in the last year. These substances may not be causing a problem but have been used in the past year. Multiple values can be submitted - select all that apply. This information is not collected for clients whose treatment episode concerns the alcohol/drug use of another person. The field does not default to a particular code and can be left blank. For example, the client indicated that they had used alcohol, and LSD in the past year as well
as the Presenting Problem of cocaine. Select 02 Alcohol, 11 Hallucinogens and 03 cocaine.
Permissible Values |
None |
Alcohol |
Cocaine |
Amphet. & other stimulants exc. methamphetamine |
Cannabis |
Benzodiazepines |
Barbiturates |
Heroin/Opium |
Prescription opioids |
Over-the-counter codeine preparations |
Hallucinogens |
Glue & other inhalants |
Tobacco |
Other psychoactive drugs |
Steroids |
Crack |
Ecstasy |
Methamphetamines (crystal meth) |
Unknown |
Used in conjunction with the data elements Frequency in the Last 30 Days and Presenting Problem Substances to identify, monitor, determine and evaluate the patterns, severity and complexity of the substance use in order to provide for planning and delivery of treatment services specifically for the client and non-specifically for the treatment population across the province. Used to monitor and evaluate substance abuse treatment processes and outcomes for clients in substance abuse services. Used in conjunction with other data elements to describe and group the treatment population for
reporting and analysis. Types of Substance Used is regularly reported to the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MoHLTC), Local Health Integrated Networks (LHIN) and agencies.