During an admission at a multi-service WMS agency, a client may have multiple residential WMS program registrations, while consecutively being registered in other types of treatment such as a community treatment program.  


The follow are definitions used in Catalyst:

  • Admission:  The start of a treatment cycle
  • Program: Specific activities or clinical modalities within the treatment cycle
  • Registration:  To begin a program
  • Termination: To end a program
  • Discharge: To end a treatment cycle
  • WMS Episode: A WMS treatment cycle. The term WMS episode has been used in the context of multi-service agencies where one or more WMS treatment cycles occur during a non-WMS treatment cycle such as community treatment. This is equivalent to an admission in WMS agencies.

Registering a client to a Residential WMS Program

In Catalyst, only one admission can be open at a time for a client.  For multi-service agencies, the following procedure has been put in place to separate distinct WMS episodes (registrations) for reporting purposes.  For this purpose, the field WMS Registration # on the Program Information will track each episode.  This field must be filled in with the same registration number for both of the residential WMS Programs, i.e. Withdrawal/Crisis and Program/House (your *WMS1 and *WMS2 programs), when those programs occur within the same WMS treatment episode. This rule applies even if the client is not accessing any other programs within your agency. To determine the WMS Registration #, use the subsequent number of the last number used in the program list. 

Below is a scenario, in which this procedure is explained.  

A client, Alexandra Cooper, is admitted to a multi-service WMS agency. During her admission, Alexandra has six distinct WMS program registrations (episodes), while at the same time receiving Community Treatment services. The Program List screen displays all of Alexandra’s program registrations:

The top section of the screen contains client information (name, chart/file#, date of birth, etc.) and admission information (admission date, admission #, etc.).

The second section of the screen lists the programs, beginning with the ‘Program Number’ column, and followed by the program ‘Start Date,’ ‘End Date’ of program, ‘Program Name’ and ‘Status’ columns.

Note: By clicking on a column heading you can re-sort the order in which the data is displayed. For example, if you clicked on ‘Start Date,’ the programs would be listed in order of the program start (registration) date.

WMS episodes can be flagged using the WMS Registration # field located at the bottom of the Program Information screen.

Using the procedure, you must enter the number of the WMS registration each time a new WMS episode is created within the same admission.

Using the example to the left (Program List screen for Alexandra Cooper), the first WMS registration # within the admission would be noted as #1 for both program registrations:

  • Program #2 – Withdrawal/Crisis*WMS1, and
  • Program #3 – Program/House*WMS2 so that they are linked as WMS Registration # 1.

The second WMS registration (admission episode) within this same agency admission would be noted as #2 for both program registrations:

  • Program #4 – Withdrawal/Crisis*WMS1, and
  • Program #5 – Program/House*WMS2 so that they are linked as WMS Registration # 2

And so forth with Registration 3 and Registration 4.

The consecutive numbering of each distinct WMS program registration (episode) continues only within the current admission. Once ALL programs are terminated and the client is discharged from the agency the consecutive numbering stops. If the client returns to the agency, and is readmitted and the same scenario occurred, the WMS admission numbering would begin again, at one (1).

Remember: The WMS Registration # field must be filled in even if the client is NOT accessing any other services (other than WMS). Only the Residential WMS programs need to have this field filled in.

Registering a client to WMS Assessment Program

Although the WMS Assessment program registrations are calculated the same way that the Residential WMS programs are calculated, it is not necessary to fill in the WMS Registration Number field for these programs; each instance of a WMS Assessment program within an admission will be calculated as a new episode.