The CTS module collects very detailed information about individual clients, including demographic details, and clinical and overdose history. For every transaction, you must log/confirm the client details on this screen.

CTS Client Details Screen

Once you add a client to the CTS module, you will be taken immediately to the Client Details Screen. The client's details sectionincludes their reference code, age, locality (where they are in the CTS), and entry time are automatically collected by the platform. You can also include the client's handle (nickname you may have for that particular client) to this section using the textbox.  

The Client Details Screen can be accessed and updated throughout the transaction. See CTS Home Screen for more information.

The client's handle should NOT include any client protected health information (PHI).

Demographics details

There are four pieces of information that are collected under the "Demographics details" section:

  1. The client's ethnicity;
  2. How the client heard about the CTS site;
  3. The first three characters of the client's postal code of residence; and
    • You are encouraged to simply enter "UNK" if you do not have sufficient rapport with the client to ask for this information
    • You can also type "NFA" or "No fixed address" if the client does not have a fixed address
  4. If the client is part of a special population.

Client Clinical History

For each transaction, you will want to make sure that you have the most up-to-date client clinical history. 

There are nine pieces of information that are collected under the "Client clinical history" section:

  1. Alerts / Flags;
    • The information tracked under this section will be displayed for each client on the CTS Home Screen
  2. The drug that was last used by the client;
    • Date and time when the last was consumed can also be tracked.
    • Please use 24-hour time when tracking the time when the client last consumed.
  3. The drug(s) that the client will be consuming on this particular visit;
  4. If the client fentanyl tested their drug(s) pre-consumption;
    • Fentanyl test outcome is tracked for clients who fentanyl tested their drug(s) pre-consumption.
      • The outcome of the fentanyl test is mandatory.
  5. If the client needs any help with consumption (including peer assistance) during their visit;
    • This question is mandatory
    • Clients who need help will be asked to specify the sort of help that they will require.
      • This question is mandatory.
  6. Where on their body the client will be injecting;
  7. If the client uses more that one drug at a time (including alcohol);
  8. If the client has left a controlled environment (e.g., jail, detox, etc.) in the last 7 days; and
  9. If the client has a naloxone kit.

Client overdose history

You will also want to have the client's most up-to-date overdose history for every transaction. 

There are two main pieces of information that are collected under the "Client overdose history" section: 

  1. If the client has overdosed since their last visit; and
    • This question is mandatory.
    • Clients who respond "yes" to this question will also be asked:
      • Number of times they have overdosed in the last 6 months;
      • Approximate date of  last overdose; and
      • Drug that they overdosed on.
  2. If the client is taking any prescribed medications.

Harm reduction service & Wrap Around Services

The Client Details Screen is also where you log information about the harm reduction and wrap around services (onsite and offsite) that were provided to the client during the visit.

There are two main pieces of information that are collected under the "Harm Reduction Services" and "Provision of Wrap Around Services" sections:

  1. Harm reduction services that were provided to the client.
  2. Wrap around services that were provided to the client. 
    • Wrap around services have been categorized by:
      1. Addiction treatment services;
      2. Mental Health Services;
      3. Primary Care Services; and 
      4. Social Services.

  • When a client is discharged, you will be asked to log information about the harm reduction and wrap around services (onsite and offsite) that were provided to them during the visit.
  • Additional information about some services has been included on the NEO platform and can be viewed by hovering over the icon.
  • Recurring visits will include pre-populated data collected from the previous visit.

Once you have filled out the Client Details Screen to the best of your knowledge, click one of the following buttons to move the client to the most appropriate next step:

  • to save the information that has been collected.
  • to move the client to the waiting room in the CTS site.
  • to move the client to a nursing station/booth/room in the CTS site.
  • to discharge a client who did not use the CTS services.

Video Instructions