The "Backdate CTS" module has been created for backdating CTS transactions. This new module should be the only module used to backdate transactions for clients who visited a CTS site. Only backdated transactions will be displayed in the "Backdate CTS" module and be categorized as "Complete", "In progress" and "Incomplete".
Please note the "CTS" module should only be used for real-time transactions.
Enabling the Backdate CTS Module
The "Backdate CTS" module will need to be enabled for site users to access the module.
1. Click on 'Manage Site Staff' on the homepage.
2. Select the CTS site for the staff you would like to enable the module for.
3. Click the pencil icon to access the staff permissions.
4. Click the "Retro" check box under CTS to enable the "Backdate CTS" module and "Update".
5. Once enabled, the user can access the "Backdate CTS" module.
Backdate CTS Home Screen
Click on the Backdate CTS module.
The "Backdate CTS" module home screen will display three sections:
1. Steps – The steps section allows the user to select the CTS site, enter the date/time of the transaction and choose a booth (even if the client did not consume, a booth must be selected here). All fields in this section are mandatory.
- Users will be able to record same-day transactions
2. Client Reference Code – The "Client Reference Code" section allows the user to choose the gender of the client and enter the client reference code. The user can find an existing client or create a new one.
3. Backdate Entries – The "Backdate Entries" section will list all backdated transactions entered in this module. Each entry will be categorized as "Complete", "In progress" or "In complete" based on the status of the transaction (please see below to view how the transactions are categorized).
Complete – Complete transactions are entries that have completed and saved the "Client Details", "Supervised" and/or the "Medical Emergency" pages. These transactions will be listed under the "Backdate Entries" section, and a user will be able to edit the transaction. Completed transactions will be removed from the "Backdate Entries" list at 12:00 a.m. each day of entry. In progress and incomplete transaction will remain until completed by the user.
- Site Administrators will be able to delete transactions using the review menu and will have the ability to edit 'Completed' transactions in the "Edit CTS" module.
- Client Details
- Supervised
- Harm Reduction/ Wrap Around Services
- Medical Emergency
In progress – In progress transactions are entries that have been canceled on the "Supervised" or "Did Not Consume" pages. If a user leaves or cancels the "Supervised" or "Did Not Consume" screens, the transaction will be saved under the "Backdate Entries" section as an in progress transaction. Any entries made to either the "Supervised" or Did Not Consume" pages will not be saved if the option to cancel is selected. In progress transactions will remain in the backdate entry list until the transaction has been completed. Only staff that start an in progress transaction will be able to edit/complete the transaction.
- For transactions canceled on the "Supervised" screen the user will be able to edit "Client Details", "Supervised", "Harm Reduction/Wrap Around Services" and/or "Medical Emergency" pages.
- For transactions canceled on the "Did Not Consume" screen the user will be able to edit "Client Details", "Did Not Consume", "Harm Reduction/Wrap Around Services" and/or "Medical Emergency" pages.
Incomplete – Incomplete transactions are entries that have been canceled on the "Client Details" page. It should be noted that any entries made to the "Client Details" page will not be saved if the option to cancel is selected. If the option to cancel from the "Client Details" page is selected, only the Client Reference Code will be saved. The user will be able to continue the transaction by clicking the plus icon or delete the transaction by clicking the red bin (caution when clicking to delete the transaction it should be noted that no choice comes up to ask are you sure you want to delete this). Incomplete transactions will remain in the backdate entry list until actioned as required. Only staff that start an incomplete transaction will be able to edit/complete the transaction.
- Add to Client Details
- Delete Transaction
How to Backdate a CTS transactions
1. Select the CTS site you would like to record the transaction for.
2. Click on the calendar icon to choose the date you would like to record the transaction for.
3. Enter the time the transaction took place.
4. Select the booth the client was placed in at the time of the transaction from the dropdown (a booth must be selected even if the client did not consume, it's a part of the module mechanics).
5. Enter the "Gender" and "Client Reference Code" then select "Find" or "New"
6. Once selected this will take you to the Client Details screen. Proceed to enter the applicable information for the client.
*The client details screen may vary across sites
7. Once the client information has been entered users will have the option to select "Supervised" or "Did Not Consume".
- Supervised – if this option is selected and saved users will be taken to the "Supervised" screen
- Did Not Consume – if this option is selected and saved users will be taken to the "Did Not Consume" screen.
8. Once the client information and backdate type has been entered, click "Save".
If "Cancel" is selected on the client details page no information will be saved and this action will take you to the home screen of the "Backdate CTS" module. The transaction will be listed under "Backdate Entries".
9. If "Supervised" is selected for the "Backdate Type", this will take you to the "Supervised" screen. Enter the substance the client consumed under the supervised drug details section. If an option is not chosen for this section you will not be able to save the transaction.
10. The option to add a "Medical Emergency" must be selected on the "Supervised" page.
- If "Yes" is selected you will be taken to the "Medical Emergency" page once the "Supervised" screen is saved.
- If "No" is selected and the transaction is saved, it will be complete and listed under the "Backdate Entries" section.
If the transaction is canceled on the supervised page no information will be saved and this action will take you to the home screen of the "Backdate CTS" module. The transaction will be listed under "Backdate Entries"
11. If 'Yes' is selected for "Add Medical Emergency" and the transaction is saved on the "Supervised" page, you will be taken to the "Medical Emergency" screen to fill the applicable information.
12. If 'Yes' is selected for "Add Another Emergency?" and the page is saved, you will be able to add another record for a "Medical Emergency".
13. Once the "Medical Emergency" information has been saved you will be taken to the "Backdate CTS" home screen and will be able to view your completed backdated entry under the "Backdate Entries" section. If "Cancel" is selected on the "Medical Emergency" screen no information will be save and the transaction will still be categorized as complete under the "Backdate Entries" section.
- Users will be able to view and edit each section of the transaction using the various menus.
Did Not Consume
14. If a client "Did Not Consume" a substance you will be able to "Add Medical Emergency" and enter the details for why the client did not consume a substance. After the transaction has been saved you will be taken to the Backdate CTS module home screen and will be able to view your entry under the "Backdate Entries" section. If cancel is selected on this screen no information will be saved.