The following communication was sent March 28. 2022 notifying ONHRDB service providers of the NEO360 server move from CAMH to the NEO data centre in Toronto.

Date:   March 25, 2022

TO: Harm Reduction Service Providers and Public Health Units submitting data to CAMH using Ontario Harm Reduction Database (ONHRDB) via NEO360

Prepared by:  CAMH, PSSP,  DATIS

RE: Service Provider Agreement

The purpose of the letter is to notify you of a small change to the CAMH Service Provider Agreement entered into between you and CAMH dated (the “Service Provider Agreement”).

As set out in that Service Provider Agreement, CAMH provides certain services to Harm Reduction Service Providers who submit data to CAMH-DATIS.  The change we are notifying you of, as described below, is specific to Harm Reduction Service Providers and Public Health Units submitting data collected using the ONHRDB (NEO360)[1].

The ONHRDB servers have resided at CAMH since the outset of the project in 2016. In consultation with CAMH IT, Legal, Privacy and Security and the Ministry of Health, we agreed that moving CAMH’s instance of NEO360 to their Toronto Data Centre would provide a more stable environment with fewer outages and the technical infrastructure will be managed by NEO360.  This will optimize technical service support and expediate processes for response, should there be an outage.   Provincial reports for the ONHRDB are still maintained and hosted by CAMH as this resides in an application supported by CAMH. 

The reason we are notifying you is that this is a modification to what is set out in the Service Provider Agreement which states (in Section 4.1 (a)) that all data hosted by CAMH is at a secure data centre managed by CAMH.  This change means that the ONHRDB data submitted by Service Providers is now hosted externally by NEO360 at their secure data centre in Toronto.

What does this mean?

Practically speaking, this has no impact on Harm Reduction Service Providers and Public Health Units submitting data.  All of the privacy and security obligations and commitments that CAMH has made to Service Providers in the Service Provider Agreement remain the same. CAMH has ensured throughout the NEO360 Agreement that all necessary information security and privacy related obligations are addressed as related to your data.  CAMH is still responsible for ensuring all appropriate physical access controls are in place, including controlled entry to the hosting environment.  As has always been the case, no data will be stored outside of Canada.

Why are you telling us?

CAMH is committed to full transparency with all of its Service Providers. We are providing this notice to you to make you aware of the change.  There will be no change with respect to accessing any of the tools or the database, or with respect to the security of your data.

If you have any questions or require clarification please open a ticket with our ONHRDB service desk


Jill Shakespeare

Senior Director, Provincial System Support Program

[1] ONHRDB includes NEP/NSP transactions; bulk entry; naloxone used; CTS, and inventory screens/modules

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