Project Purpose

The Operational Direction sent to community MHA health service providers on December 10, 2024 titled "Data Submission Requirements for the Mental Health and Addictions Sector" requires that all community mental health and addictions providers receiving funding from the Ministry of Health or Ontario Health for adult community and/or outpatient mental health and addictions programs submit data to Ontario Health for their community mental health and addictions programs by December 2026, including client OHIP numbers, to ensure visibility of the entire client journey.

The Operational Direction also outlines that Ontario Health may require Mental Health and Addictions Health Service Providers to submit data through alternative means until compliance with a submission option is possible. Given the importance and alignment of the services your organization provides to the Mental Health and Addictions Centre of Excellence’s priorities, a quarterly data submission to Ontario Health through a simple file extraction and transfer process is being requested.

Information Guide

Implementation Calendar 

Implementation Guide


Data Dictionary


Readiness Assessment Forms


Upcoming & Past Webinars

Enter Webinar Details

Project Details

  • This solution is a simple, secure, electronic file transfer process that many health service providers (HSPs) are already familiar with (i.e., manual data submission via Managed File Transfer (MFT)).
  • The goal is to immediately collect 25-59 data elements related to community MHA client and program details (many of which are already collected by your HSP) and submit this information on an ongoing quarterly basis to Ontario Health to enhance visibility into community and outpatient MHA service utilization and support informed planning across the sector.
  • Commit to quarterly manual data submissions until fully compliant with a long-term automatic submission of the MHA PDS or providing independent submissions of the MHA PDS directly to Ontario Health in a way that meets all standards for the Operational Direction.

Please see the Information Guide for more details on estimated resource requirements and key activities. 

The implementation approach for the MHA MDSP consists of the following essential steps:

  1. Launch and Planning: Launching with the welcome letter, information guide, and kick-off webinar. HSPs should plan for changes and confirm resource allocation. Review and submit signed agreements, including the Master Data Sharing Agreement (MDSA) if applicable.
  2. Mapping and Readiness Assessment: Conduct HSP readiness assessments including data mapping to ensure all necessary preparations are in place. 
  3. Registration, Training, and Testing Requirements: Register users for MFT accounts and ensure they can review and/or attend the training webinars.
  4. Data Quality Management & Operations: Test the MHA manual data submission tool, conduct data quality checks, and mapping validation.
  5. Go-Live: HSP first submission and continue quarterly manual data submissions

Please see the Information Guide below for more details including future support available and estimated project implementation timeline. 

Click to enlarge.

The MHA CoE has partnered with DATIS to provide you with support during this project. DATIS is a program within the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) and uses a Service Desk (i.e. helpdesk system) to keep track of user issues. Through the Service Desk, you will be able to view and keep track of all support requests and updates with onboarding in one place. You can also submit and update existing issues using this portal.

Next Steps: 

  • To support you through this project, you will have access to a project ticket in the Service Desk that has been created for your organization.
  • When there are new updates, you will receive an email notification from the [JIRA CAMH] Service Desk.
  • Please email if you have not received a link to your Service Desk account. 

Learn more about DATIS' role here