Basic training - page 2/5

In NEO, every interaction with a client is called a transaction (your agency may refer to these as "contacts" or "encounters"). During a single transaction a service provider may distribute harm reduction supplies, provide referrals, or provide other services to clients. All of these activities can be recorded in NEO.

This page will show you how to log these activities in NEO. Try following along in the TEST environment!

Video instructions

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NEP/NSP Transaction module

Click NEP/NSP Transaction module from the main menu.

Client transactions are recorded one at a time. You can specify the date and time each transaction occurred using the Options settings below; otherwise, Transaction Date and Transaction Time with default to the current date and time. Unless your agency's management instructs otherwise, you do not need to precisely record the Transaction Date and Transaction Time— approximate date and time are fine.

Client reference codes

The next step is to enter the client’s reference code

Find an existing client reference code

A returning client may know their code and simply give it to you when asked during the transaction. In order to find an existing code, you must select the client's gender. Then, begin typing in the four initials, as you type you should see existing client reference codes appear, as below. If you see the code you're looking for, select it and then click the Find button. Clicking Find should bring you straight to the Transaction Screen. Otherwise, you must create a new client reference code for the client.

Create a new client reference code

If the client is new or not sure what their code is, ask them whether you can create a code for them. To create a code you need:

  • The client's gender,
  • Any four letters (try to choose something they will remember!),
  • The client's year of birth.

You will notice the "Not Specified" gender option. This option is for non-client transactions/bulk transactions only.

Your agency may have more exact instructions regarding how to choose the four initials. To create a new client select the gender from the drop-down menu, and then type in the four initials and the year of birth all together, and then click the New button.

Client Details Screen

NEO collects very little data about individual clients; however, every time you create a new client reference code you must also provide some details about the client. Once you have entered a new code into NEO, you will be taken immediately to the Client Details Screen.

Only two pieces of information are collected on the Client Details Screen:

  1. The first three characters of the client's postal code of residence
    • This field is mandatory
    • However, you are encouraged to simply entered "UNK" or "Do not know" if you do not have sufficient rapport with the client to ask for this information
    • You can also type in "NFA" or "No fixed address" if a client does not have a fixed address
  2. Substances the client is currently using
    • This field is not mandatory, but you are encouraged to enter this information if it is known about the client

Once you have filled out these two pieces of information to the best of your knowledge, click the Update button.

Transaction Screen

The Transaction Screen is where you log information about the services, referrals and harm reduction supplies provided to the client during the encounter. 


To complete this screen, you must first specify who the client was Collecting on behalf of, as well as the Location of transaction. Note: except for "In-service NEP/NSP (core or satellite)" all other Location options refer to locations visited by outreach workers.


The Items section of the Transaction Screen will include OHRDP Supplies in addition to the supplies your agency distributes, so it will look different depending on the inventory your agency carries. Some of the Items you can record on the Transaction Screen include:

  • Needles returned by a client,
  • Services provided,
  • Referrals provided,
  • Kits, safer injection equipment, safer inhalation equipment, etc.

All or some of these might be provided to a client during a single encounter. Once you have filled out the Items, click the Save button to complete the transaction.

If anything is missing from the Items section on your agency's TEST environment (e.g. a specific kit or supply you distribute) please inform your Site Administrator

Anonymous transactions

There are times when you may not be able to create or find the client reference code for a client. For example, a client may be unwilling or unable to give you enough information to create the code. In these cases, you can record an Anonymous transaction.

  1. Select the anonymous client's gender
  2. Click the Anonymous button
    • Clicking the Anonymous button will bring you immediately to the Transaction Screen
  3. Fill out the services, referrals and supplies you provided to the anonymous client and then click the Save button.

You're done!

As you can see, logging a transaction for a new client only takes a few steps:

  1. Select the client's gender and type in a new client reference code,
  2. Fill out the Client Details Screen (postal code of residence, substances used),
  3. Enter the services, referrals and supplies provided to the client on the Transaction Screen.

Logging transactions for existing and anonymous clients is even simpler:

  1. Select the client's gender and begin typing the existing client reference code, OR click the Anonymous button if necessary,
  2. Enter the services, referrals and supplies provided to the client on the Transaction Screen.


  1. Log an anonymous transaction with a male client.
  2. Log a transaction with a new client by creating a new client reference code.
  3. Log a transaction with an existing client by logging an additional transaction for the client reference code you just created above.

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