
All data collected through NEO is described in detail within the ONHRDB Minimum Data Set, but is also summarized below. These expectations only apply to

  • Core Needle Syringe Program workers,
  • Workers funded under the Harm Reduction Outreach Program,
  • Hep C Team outreach workers when distributing supplies, or
  • Agencies that submit the Ontario Naloxone Program Quarterly report. 

Community partner agencies that do not fit into one of these categories, but still participate in one of these programs as a "satellite site"/"access point" are not expected to fulfill the minimum data set.

Needle Syringe Program information

  • Date of transaction/exchange
  • Transaction site (e.g. name of satellite site)
  • Location of transaction (e.g. in-service, street/parks, van delivery, etc.)
  • Who is client collecting on behalf of (e.g. picking up for themselves or for another person)
  • Additional services provided (e.g. brief counseling, practical support)
  • Type of referral provided
  • Safer injection supplies provided (type of supply & quantity)
  • Safer inhalation supplies provided (type of supply & quantity)
  • Safer sex supplies provided (type of supply & quantity)
  • Total quantity of needles returned to agency for disposal
  • Date of any community clean-ups performed by agency

Naloxone information

Injectable Naloxone Distributed

  • Number of injectable naloxone kits distributed
  • Number of SINGLE injectable doses distributed

Nasal Spray Naloxone Distributed

  • Number of nasal spray naloxone kits distributed
  • Number of SINGLE nasal spray doses distributed

Number of Individuals Trained

  • Number of individuals trained to administer naloxone

Fire, Police, St. John Ambulance

Number of Overdoses where First Responders Administered Naloxone

  • Number of overdoses where first responders administered naloxone

Client information*

  • Client Code (anonymous code assigned to each individual, used to track # of unique clients accessing services)
  • Year of birth
  • Gender
  • Postal code of residence (first 3 characters only)
  • Substances used by client

*Not mandatory for Ontario Naloxone Program activities

Data Governance

The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health is acting as a Service Provider to Harm Reduction Health Service Providers (HR HSPs). Each HR HSP retains all responsibility for Data in their custody and control.

The HR HSPs, through their use of the Database, will provide to CAMH, in its capacity as Services Provider, information and data about Clients and the services they access through the provincial (MOHLTC) harm reduction programs. Each HR HSP shall provide certain Data concerning services delivered to clients who access, participate in, and/or are reached through the provincial harm reduction programs. CAMH will provide regular reports to HR HSPs and the MOHLTC. Each HR HSP shall be able to access their Data through a user-based web portal accessible to users from any location with internet access. HR HRPs will be able to make queries (about only their own Data) through the portal. The Database will also allow for certain coordination of supplies by the Ontario Harm Reduction Distribution Program, a centralized inventory management system, who will have access to the database to enable a more efficient order management process for harm reduction products.

CAMH, as an agent of the HR HSPs, shall provide services, including the following: (collectively, “Services”):

  • host the Database;
  • trouble shoot with HR HSPs having technological challenges submitting Data;
  • provide live credentials to HR HSPs;
  • track implementation activity of the Database by HR HSPs;
  • provide reports to HR HSPs, the MOHLTC and support queries from the MOHLTC and from HR HSPs regarding their own Data,
  • provide notification to all HR HSPs of any unplanned outage or downtime, as soon as reasonably possible;
  • provide incident and breach management support to HR HSPs and any HR HSP of any breach or incident with respect to their Data;
  • delete Data from the Database upon request by the HR HSP that provided the Data.
  • track implementation and provide ongoing feedback on implementation of the Ontario Harm Reduction Database;
  • training all HR HSPs and MOHLTC on use of the Ontario Harm Reduction Database for implementation, including providing all related training materials; and
  • provide ongoing support and training for the Ontario Harm Reduction Database, as needed.

Each HR HSP shall:

  • record Client Service Information and Supply data set,
  • use reasonable efforts to ensure that their Client Information to be uploaded to the Database and stored as Data is accurate, complete and as up-to-date as necessary;
  • determine, in accordance with its own internal policies and procedures, which users within the organization has a need to access the Database to perform his or her responsibilities or assigned duties for the HR HSP and ensure such user has undertaken the requisite training to use the Database and the reporting/analytics portal; and.

While each HR HSP shall use reasonable efforts to ensure that Client Service Information that it uploads to the Database is accurate, complete and up-to-date as necessary for its own purposes, no HR HSP warrants or represents to any other Party the accuracy or the completeness of any Data contained within the said environments.

The MOHLTC will not use Data entered into the ONHRDB for decision making prior to regular report submission dates (annually for NSPs, bi-annually for OCHART, quarterly for ONP).


The ONHRDB does not contain any personal information or personal health information. The full Privacy Impact Assessment can be viewed here. 

While it is intended that the Data submitted to the Database is non-identifiable and does not contain PHI or PI, in the event that there is inadvertent disclosure of PHI of Client by an HR HSP or directly by a Client of an HR HSP, CAMH will follow the process for Privacy Breaches set out in the ONHRDB Service Provider Agreement.


NEO is a web application and is secured via SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), as the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral. SSL is the industry standard used in the protection of online transactions.

CAMH has already contracted a Threat & Risk Assessment of the ONHRDB and no critical issues were found. An executive summary of this assessment can be made available upon request.

Additional technical, administrative and physical safeguards are outlined in the Service Provider Agreement.


NEO is a third-party software developed in the UK by the social enterprise neo360. CAMH has licensed this software from neo360 for the ONHRDB. 

NEO is a web application and can be accessed via any Internet browser. An Internet connection is required to access NEO. While the NEO interface is not designed for mobile devices (phones, tablets), the web application does function on these devices.

CAMH has also developed a reporting analytics tool in order to provide reports to HR HSPs and the MOHLTC based on data entered into NEO. This tool is also web-based, and is built using SAP BusinessObjects.

All components of the ONHRDB are web-based and therefore require no set-up or installation.

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