Summarize the entry services provided by the values in Note 2 during a selected period. NOTE: 1. 'Minutes' refers to staff time. If 'Agency level' is selected, all the staff time for the entry services is added. For example, for a group appointment with three staff, we count one group appointment and add the time for the three staff in that appointment; 2. In a group if one client was admitted and another was not admitted, then the same group event is included when the admission status selected is admitted and also when the admission status selected is not admitted; 3. Anonymous groups are included.
Report Columns
- Note 2 – Entry service note 2
- Entry Service: Number – The number of entry service events
- Entry Service: Minutes – The total time in minutes spent
- Entry Service Date Range – specifies entry service date range to report on.
- Site No – specifies the client site number, i.e. the site no on the Client Info screen, to report on.
Admission Status – users can select one of these values:
Admission Status Not Admitted after the entry services Include the entry service in the report if the client has NOT been admitted on or after the entry service date.
Note: Pending and incomplete admissions are considered as “non-admissions”.Not Admitted within N days of the entry service date Include the entry service in the report if the client has NOT been admitted within the specified # of days of the entry service date.
Note: Pending and incomplete admissions are considered as “non-admissions”.Admitted after the entry services Include the entry service in the report if the client has been admitted on or after the entry service date.
Note: “Admitted” means that the client has an open or closed admission, excluding pending and incomplete admissions.Admitted within N days of the entry service date Include the entry service in the report if the client has been admitted within the specified # of days of the entry service date.
Note: “Admitted” means that the client has an open or closed admission, excluding pending and incomplete admissions.All Include all entry services whether they have resulted in an admission or not. - Entry Service Provider – specifies the entry service provider to report on. Users can select “Agency Level” to run the report at the agency level or select “All Staff” to run the report on all staff.
Anonymous – users can select one of these values:
Anonymous Value Include Include entry services provided to anonymous clients. Exclude Exclude entry services provided to anonymous clients. Anonymous Only Report on entry services provided to anonymous clients only.