
Summarizes the Service History for a client, including services provided in a group environment. The services are divided into 3 sections:

  1. Entry Services
  2. Direct and Indirect Service Time Entered in the Activity Log for agency programs that use the Activity Log.
  3. Direct and Indirect Service Time Entered in the Program Information for agency programs that do not use the Activity Log.

Also, summarizes the services by activity entered in the Activity Log.


  • This report excludes residential treatment services that are not entered in the Activity Log.
  • For WMS Residential programs (PSC = 13 – 15), the Direct Service time is calculated by subtracting the Program Start Date from the Program End Date. If the Program End Date is blank, then the end date of the selected period is used in the calculation.
  • The “Service Time Entered in Activity Log” section includes ALL the Direct and Indirect service time entered in the Activity Log, regardless of the “Auto Generate” flag value of the agency programs. For example, if an agency program is set up not to use the Activity Log to capture the service info but the users have captured their time in the Activity Log, the time in the Activity Log will be included in this section of the report.
  • The “Service Time Entered in Program Info” section includes programs that are set up not to use the Activity Log to capture service info only, i.e. Auto Generate = “N”.

Report Columns

Refer to the sub-reports


  • Chart/File # - specifies the chart/file # of the client to report on.
  • Activity Date Range – specifies the activity date range to report on.


Entry Services by Client:
Summarizes the Entry Services provided to/scheduled for a client during selected period.

Report Columns:

  • Activity Type – The entry service description
  • Total # - The number of entry services received by the client
  • Total (Minutes) – The total amount of time of entry services received by the client

Direct and Indirect Services Entered in the Activity Log:
Summarizes the Direct and Indirect Services entered in the Activity Log for a client during selected period. The Not Occurred services are broken down and grouped by the Activity Comment.

Report Columns:

  • Activity Type – The activity type of the services
  • Total # - The number of services received by the client. This is based on the information captured in the Activity Log.
  • Total (Minutes) – The total amount of time of services received by the client. This is based on the information captured in the Activity Log.

Direct and Indirect Services Entered in the Program Information:
Summarizes the Direct and Indirect Services entered in the Program Information for a client during selected period.

Report Columns:

  • Activity Type – The activity type of the services
  • Total # - The number of services received by the client. This is based on the service information entered manually by the users on the Program Information screen.
  • Total (Minutes) – The total amount of time of services received by the client. This is based on the service information entered manually by the users on the Program Information screen.

Direct and Indirect Service Activities Entered in the Activity Log:
Summarizes the services by activity entered in the Activity Log for the selected client during the selected period.

Report Columns:

  • Activity – The activity description
  • Total # - The number of times the activity has scheduled with the client
  • Total (Minutes) – The total amount of time spent on the activity

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