List all the WMS program registrations that may have an incorrect WMS Registration #. Incorrect usage of the WMS Registration # field includes:
- WMS Registration # with value greater than or equal to a specific number provided by the user.
- An admission with more than one program registration in a WMS program, e.g. WMS Phase 1, and these program registrations have the same WMS Registration #.
Report Columns
- Name – Client’s name
- Chart/File # - Client’s chart/file #
- Date – Admission date
- Admission # - Admission number
- Site No – Admission site number
- Discharge Date – Discharge date if the admission is discharged
- Name – Name of the WMS program
- Program # - Program number
- Start Date – Program start date
- End Date – Program end date
- Episode # - The WMS registration # of the program registration
- Start Date – Episode start date. It is the minimum program start date of all the program registrations within an episode.
- End Date – Episode end date. It is the maximum program end date of all the program registrations within an episode.
- Admission Date Range – specifies the admission date range to report on. This report will include WMS episodes that belong to an admission that is open during the reporting period only.
- Admission Site # - specifies the admission site to report on.
- WMS Registration # Greater than or Equal To – specifies a number that the report will compare the WMS Registration # to.