List all clients or staff within the reporting period having an appointment time greater than the specified number of minutes.
Report Columns
Refer to sub-reports
- Appointment Date Range – specifies the appointment period to report on.
- Service Site # - specifies the site where the service was provided.
- Appointment time in Minutes greater than – specifies the number of minutes that the report will compare the actual appointment duration.
- Staff or Client – specifies if it will report on the staff or client
- Report on appointments with no programs or where programs are set to auto-calc – specifies if it will report on programs where auto_calc is set to ‘Y’ or ‘N’ or if it will report on appointments with no programs. Users can also choose to report ‘All’.
If reporting on client time:
- Only appointments that are MoH funded are included in this report.
- If auto-calc selected is “Yes”, then only appointments where the client program has been set to auto-calculate from the activity list will be counted. If “No” is selected, then only appointments where the client program has been set to NOT auto-calculate from the activity list will be counted. And if “No Program” is selected, all appointments in the activity log not connected to a program will be counted. If all is selected then all appointments are counted.
Report Columns:
- Start Date – Appointment start date
- Staff Name – Staff’s name
- Group Name – Group’s name. If the appointment is a group appointment, it will specify the group name, otherwise, it will be blank
- Client Name – Client’s name
- Chart/File # – Client’s chart/file #
- Admission # – Client’s admission number
- Program # - Client’s program number
- Program Name – Name of the program
- Auto calc – Program’s auto calculate setting
- Service type – appointment’s activity type
- Client time – Actual time spent of the client
If reporting on client time:
- Only appointments that are MOH funded are included in this report, however for group appointments, there may be some clients in programs that are not MOH-funded.
- If auto-calc selected is “Yes”, then only appointments where the client program has been set to auto-calculate from the activity list will be counted. If “No” is selected, then only appointments where the client program has been set to NOT auto-calculate from the activity list will be counted. And if “No Program” is selected, all appointments in the activity log not connected to a program will be counted. If all is selected then all appointments are counted.
Report Columns:
- Start Date – Appointment start date
- Staff Name – Staff’s name
- Group Name – Group’s name. If the appointment is a group appointment, it will specify the group name, otherwise, it will be blank
- Client Name – Client’s name. This could be blank if the appointment is a group appointment or the appointment is either Administration – Central or Administration – Program.
- Chart/File # – Client’s chart/file #. This could be blank if the appointment is a group appointment or the appointment is either Administration – Central or Administration – Program.
- Admission # – Client’s admission number
- Program # - Client’s program number
- Program Name – Name of the program
- Auto calc – Program’s auto calculate setting
- Service type – appointment’s activity type
- Client time / Staff time – Actual time spent of the staff