This report is a detailed version of OHRS (formerly MIS). It lists all clients served in the agency for the reporting period, either by Organization or by Functional centre.
This report does not include Entry Service data.
(1) For Clients with no Admission, beginning April 1, 2009, the site number selected to run the report will be based on the service site of the entry service. Prior to this date, Catalyst did not record a service site for Entry Services, therefore, the report will still display all Entry Service regardless of site number prior to this date. If the report date range contains any portion before April 1st, the entry services reported will be for all sites and not site-specific.
(2) Site Selection: The Undistributed Accounting Centre section is based on the site number of the client’s admission to the agency as found on the Admission Information Screen. (See AC= 82990 Undistributed Accounting Centre below). However when it comes to the FC tables, each FC is based on the Program Site number. Although the general rule for site selection for the Undistributed Accounting Centre section is based on the client’s admission site, the report will also count an admission even if its site is not selected when the report is run, if there is a program registration in one of the FC tables whose site matches the report site selection. For example, if Site 01 is the selected parameter to run the report, all clients with admissions in site 01 will be counted in addition to all admissions with site other than 01 if the admission has at least 1 program in site 01 in any of the FC tables.
(3) If a client is registered in two or more programs in the same functional centre during the same admission, those program registrations will be counted as one registration for this functional centre in OHRS (formerly MIS). If a client has one or more program registrations in this functional centre in two or more admissions during the reporting period, one registration to this functional centre will be counted for each admission. In this detailed report all program registrations are listed if at least one of them contributes to the OHRS (formerly MIS) counts as reported in S.489 and S.490. In addition, only program registration for the selected site will be displayed.
For programs in a WMS Residential and Initial Assessment PSCs, calculations are based on the number of WMS episodes within an admission to the agency. WMS episodes are captured in the special custom field "WMS Registration #" that was created for multi-service agencies in the Program Information screen. All programs with the same WMS Registration # comprise one episode. E.g. an admission with 2 open episodes within the reporting period will count as 2 open registrations/episodes in the FC. For WMS agencies that do not use the custom field "WMS Registration #", an episode comprises all of the WMS programs within an admission to the agency.
(4) In the FC section, the highlighted dates are called episode dates. Episode dates are used for calculating registrations for WMS Residential and Initial Assessment PSCs. Dates that are not highlighted are the program dates.
Report Columns
- AC = 82990 Undistibuted Accounting Centre
o Client’s Name - the name of the client
o Chart # – the chart number of the client.
o Age – the age of the client at the time of admission (Clients with Admission) / received service (Clients with no Admission)
o Site # – Admission/Program/Service Site number
o Adm # - Admission number
o Admission Date – Date the client was admitted
o Discharge Date – Date the client was discharged
o Service Date – Date the client was provided an entry service - S.455 Individuals Served by Functional Centre
o WMS Eps # - "WMS Registration #" captured in the special custom field that was created for multi-service agencies in the Program Information screen
o Prg # - Program number
o Eps/Prg Start Date – Date the program/episode started
o Eps/Prg End Date – Date the program/episode ended
- Program Start Date Range – specifies the program start date range to report on
- Admission/Program Site No – specifies the admission or program site no
- Include section for Non-Ministry Programs – indicates whether the report should include non-Ministry programs