
Summarizes the number of outgoing referrals for admissions that were opened during the report period by category/type or agency name. When a program is chosen, all clients with open admissions during the reporting period that is registered to the chosen program will be included in the report.
NOTE: More than one referral may be made per admission. Therefore, the total number of referrals may not match the total number of open admissions.

Report Columns

  • Outgoing Referral Category/Agency - The outgoing referral category/agency
  • Total # of Referrals INCLUDING duplicates – The number of outgoing referrals made to the specified category/agency. If a client is referred to the same category/agency twice within an admission, both referrals are counted in this column.
  • (Total # of Referrals including duplicates / # of open admissions) x 100 – as described in the formula.
  • Total # of Referrals EXCLUDING duplicates – The number of admissions with at least one referral made to the specified category/agency. If a client is referred to the same category/agency twice within an admission, only one referral is counted in this column.
  • % of Open Admissions With At Least One Referrals to the category – The percentage of open admissions with outgoing referrals made to the specified category/agency


  • Admission Date Range – specifies the admission date range to report on.
  • Admission Site – specifies the admission site to which the admissions were made.
  • Display Type – specifies the display type of the report. The available options are:
  • Referral Categories/Types or
  • Agency Names.
  • Program ID - specifies the program ID(s) to report on.  NOTE: Users can enter one or more program ID’s or enter “*” for ALL programs



Revision History:

Aug. 21, 2013Added parameter - Program ID
  • No labels