This report consists of five main sections:
1) Service Utilization Statistics by Program
2) Service Utilization Statistics for Anonymous clients and Group case reviews
3) Entry Services
4) Service Utilization Statistics for Program Administration
5) Summary of Open Admissions
- This report will help agency complete Appendix 2 of the Operating Plan for the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care.
- The “Service Utilization Statistics by Program” section uses a program’s “Auto Generate” flag value to determine where to obtain the service utilization statistics. For programs with “Auto Generate” = “Y”, the service utilization statistics will be calculated based on the service information captured in the Activity Log. For programs with “Auto Generate” = “N”, the service utilization statistics will be calculated based on the service information entered manually in the Program Info module.
- To drill down to the details of the clients in each program you need to do the following: double click on any FC section, you will be taken to a sub-report that is a duplicate of the FC Report. Scroll down to any FC that you want to find details on and then double click on the program you are interested in. Repeat this process for other programs.
- All references to Ministry programs or MOH/FC funded programs indicate substance and problem gambling programs that have been mapped to a provincial service category. Otherwise, the programs are referred to as non-Ministry programs. Where there are exceptions, a note has been added.
Report Columns
- Refer to the sub-reports
- Program Start Date Range – specifies the program/admission date range to report on.
- Program Type – specifies the program type to report on. The valid values are:
Gambling Programs, Substance Abuse Programs (including Support within supportive Housing programs), All Programs including non-Ministry Programs, All Programs excluding non-Ministry Programs (but (including Support within supportive Housing programs), and non-Ministry Programs only. - Program/Admission Site No – specifies admission or program site no to which the admissions were made or programs were registered
- Functional Centre Category – specifies the functional centre categories to be included in the report. Users can enter “All” to include all functional centres. Please note that only functional centres that map to a provincial service category are listed. NOTE: Sections C, D and E, (described below) are available when all functional centres are selected.
Program type Parameter selections | Program registration by FC section | Other Services(include services offered to Anonymous clients and Group case review) by FC section | Entry Services Section | Program administration section | Admission summary section |
Gambling program | All programs with program_type=Gambling by FC | All services offered to Anonymous clients and Group case review logged against a Problem Gambling FC mapped to a PSC | All entry services logged against a Problem Gambling Functional Centre | All program administration services regardless of the program or FC or site_no | All admissions that have at least 1 gambling program that is mapped to a FC – Admissions with only non-ministry are excluded |
Substance Abuse | All programs where program type = Substance Abuse by FC | All services offered to Anonymous clients and Group case review logged against a Substance Abuse FC mapped to a PSC | All entry services logged against a Substance Abuse Functional Centre | All program administration services regardless of the program or FC or site_no | All admissions that have at least 1 Substance Abuse program that is mapped to a FC. Support with Supportive Housing program is included) Admissions with only non-ministry programs are excluded |
All programs - including non-ministry programs | All programs by FC Includes a section for non-ministry programs | All services offered to Anonymous clients and Group case review logged against an FC mapped to a PSC | All entry services regardless of the program or FC | All program administration services regardless of the program or FC or site_no | All admissions including admissions that have non-ministry programs only |
All programs - excluding non-ministry programs | All programs by FC | All services offered to Anonymous clients and Group case review logged against an FC mapped to a PSC | All entry services logged against a MoH funded FC | All program administration services regardless of the program or FC or site_no | All admissions where there is at least one ministry program |
Non-ministry programs | One section only for the non-ministry programs (i.e. not mapped to a PSC) | All services offered to Anonymous clients and Group case review logged against non-ministry programs | All entry services logged against a non-Gambling Problem or non - Substance Abuse FC | All program administration services regardless of the program or FC or site_no | All admissions where there is at least one non-ministry program |
Service Utilization Statistics by Program:
The Service Utilization Statistics by Program section summarizes the registration and termination statistics by program and functional centre. These statistics include:
Statistics | Definition at Program Level | Definition at FC Level |
Open Program Registration | Number of carried-over registrations plus new registrations to the program for the report period. | Number of carried-over registrations/episodes plus new registrations/episodes to the FC for the report period. |
Carried Over Program Registrations | Number of registrations in a program at the beginning of the report period and carried over into the report period. | Number of registrations/episodes in a FC at the beginning of the report period and carried over into the report period. |
New Program Registrations | Number of new registrations in a program during the report period. | Number of new registrations/episodes in a FC during the report period. |
Individuals – Open Program Registrations | Number of unique individuals with open registrations. Each person with an open registration in a program during the report period is counted only once per program even if he/she had multiple registrations in a program during the report period. | Number of unique individuals with open registrations/episodes in the FC. Each person with an open registration in the FC during the report period is counted only once per admission even if he/she had multiple registrations in a FC within the admission during the report period. |
Individuals – New Program Registrations Only | Number of unique individuals with new registrations. Each person with a new registration in a program during the report period is counted only once per program even if he/she had multiple registrations in a program during the report period. | Number of unique individuals with new registrations/episodes in the FC. Each person with a new registration in the FC during the report period is counted only once per admission even if he/she had multiple registrations in a FC within the admission during the report period. |
Program Terminations | Number of terminations from a program during the report period. | Number of terminated registrations/episodes from a FC during the report period. Note: All program registrations in a FC must be terminated for a registration to be considered terminated. The last program registration in a FC must be terminated during the report period for a registration to be considered terminated within the report period, i.e. if there is a program registration in a FC that is opened after the report period, then we count 0 termination from this FC. If there is a program registration in a FC that is terminated after the report period, then we also count 0 termination from this FC. |
Average Direct Service Hours | Total number of DS hours that are associated with program termination divided by the number of program terminations. Example: 2 clinicians conducted a group that lasted 1 hour with 3 clients (all attended). The average direct service hours will be 1 X 2 / 3 = 0.67 hour. | Total number of DS hours that are associated with terminated registrations/episodes divided by the number of terminated registrations/episodes from the FC. NOTE: This average is calculated by dividing the total number of direct service hours (for all terminated registrations/episodes in a FC) by the # of terminated registrations/episodes from a FC. |
Average Indirect Service Hours | Total number of IS hours that are associated with program termination divided by the number of program terminations. Example: 2 clinicians conducted a group that lasted 1 hour with 3 clients (all attended). The average indirect service hours will be 1 X 2 / 3 = 0.67 hour. | Total number of IS hours that are associated with terminated registrations/episodes divided by the number of terminated registrations/episodes from the FC. NOTE: This average is calculated by dividing the total number of indirect service hours (for all terminated registrations/episodes in a FC) by the # of terminated registrations/episodes from a FC. |
Average Number of Sessions | Total number of sessions that are associated with program termination divided by the number of program terminations. Example: 2 clinicians conducted a group that lasted 1 hour with 3 clients (all attended). The average # of sessions will be 1 / 3 = 0.33. For multi-activity individual appointments, if two occurred Direct Services activities within an appointment are linked to the same program (terminated), then one session is counted for this program. If two occurred Direct Services activities within an appointment are linked to two different programs (both are terminated), then one session is counted for each program. | Total number of sessions that are associated with terminated registrations/episodes divided by the number of terminated registrations/episodes. NOTE: This average is calculated by dividing the total number of sessions (for all terminated registrations/episodes in a FC) by the # of terminations from a FC. For multi-activity individual appointments, if two occurred Direct Services activities within an appointment are linked to programs of the same FC, then one session is counted for this FC. If two occurred Direct Services activities within an appointment are linked to two programs of different FCs, then one session is counted for each FC. |
Average Number of Days of Treatment | Total number of days in a program divided by the number of program terminations. For outpatient programs, the numbers may not accurately reflect the actual number of days a client received treatment. | Average number of days of treatment in a FC. This is calculated by dividing the total number of days of treatment (for all terminated registrations/episodes in a FC) by the # of terminations from a FC. |
Average Length of Stay in Hours | Average number of hours between registration in a program and termination from that program. Registrations in a program for less than a full day are counted as a full day of registration in a program. | Average Length of Stay in Hours in a FC. This is calculated by dividing the total length of stay in hours (for all terminated registrations/episodes in a FC) by the # of terminations from a FC. NOTE: This statistics is displayed for the Residential Withdrawal Management Services categories only. |
Average Length of Stay in Days | Average number of days between registration in a program and termination from that program. Registrations in a program for less than a full day are counted as a full day of registration in a program. | Average Length of Stay in Days in a FC. This is calculated by dividing the total length of stay in days (for all terminated registrations/episodes in a FC) by the # of terminations from a FC. NOTE: This statistics is displayed for the Residential and Residential Withdrawal Management Services categories only. |
The statistics for functional centre count one program registration for the functional centre per admission. If a client is registered in two or more programs within the same functional centre during the same admission, those program registrations will be counted as one registration for this functional centre. If a client has two or more program registrations in this functional centre in two or more admissions during the reporting period, one registration to this functional centre will be counted for each admission.
The report would show the following under the functional centre COM Clinics/Programs – Addictions Treatment – Substance Abuse:
For programs in a Residential WMS FC and Initial Assessment (Residential WMS) FC, calculations are based on the number of WMS episodes within an admission to the agency. WMS episodes are captured in the special custom field "WMS Registration #" that was created for multi-service agencies in the Program Information screen. E.g. an admission with 2 open episodes within the reporting period will count as 2 open registrations/episodes in the FC. FC = COM – Residential Addiction - Withdrawal Management Centres.
# of Open Registrations/Episodes
Example #1:
Assume that there are only 2 clients in the agency. These are their program registrations into the COM – Residential Addiction - Withdrawal Management Centres program:
For the period of 01/04/2004 – 31/03/2005, # of open registrations/episodes = 5 (indicated by the different background colours in the above table).
# of Carried-Over Registrations/Episodes
Example #2:
Assume that there are only 2 clients in the agency. These are their program registrations into the COM – Residential Addiction - Withdrawal Management Centres program:
For the period of 01/04/2004 – 31/03/2005, # of carried-over registrations/episodes = 3 (indicated by the different background colours in the above table).
# of New Registrations/Episodes
Example #3:
Assume that there are only 2 clients in the agency. These are their program registrations into the COM – Residential Addiction - Withdrawal Management Centres program:
For the period of 01/04/2004 – 31/03/2005, # of new registrations/episodes = 3 (see the records with coloured background in the above table). Client 111’s Episode 1 is a carried-over episode and NOT a new episode.
Individuals – Open Registrations/Episodes
Using Example #1, for the period of 01/04/2004 – 31/03/2005, # of individuals = 2.
Individuals – New Registrations/Episodes Only
Using Example #3, for the period of 01/04/2004 – 31/03/2005, # of individuals = 2.
# of Terminated Registrations/Episodes
Example #4:
Assume that there are only 2 clients in the agency. These are their program registrations into the COM – Residential Addiction - Withdrawal Management Centres program:
For the period of 01/04/2004 – 31/03/2005, # of terminated registrations/episodes = 0 as none of these episodes is terminated.
Program Termination Statistics
Average Days in Program = Sum of the LOS of all terminated registrations/episodes divided by the # of terminated registrations/episodes.
LOS of a WMS episode = Maximum Program End Date within an episode – Minimum Program Start Date within the same episode + 1.
Average Hours in Program = Sum of the LOS in Hours of all terminated episodes/ # of terminated episodes. Calculation of the hours should include the time element of the program start date and program end date. e.g. If the program start date is 01/04/2004 9:00am and the program end date is 02/04/2004 11:00am, then the LOS in Hours = 26 hours.
Report Columns:
- Program Name – The program name
- Open Program Registrations - Number of carried-over registrations plus new registrations to the program for the report period.
- Carried Over Program Registrations - Number of carried-over registrations plus new registrations to the program for the report period.
- New Program Registrations - Number of new registrations in a program during the report period
- Individuals – New Program Registrations Only - Number of unique individuals with open registrations. Each person with an open registration in a program during the report period is counted only once per program even if he/she had multiple registrations in a program during the report period.
- Program Terminations - Number of terminations from a program during the report period.
- Average Direct Service Hours - Total number of DS hours that are associated with program termination divided by the number of program terminations.
- Average Indirect Service Hours - Total number of IS hours that are associated with program termination divided by the number of program terminations.
- Average Number of Sessions - Total number of sessions that are associated with program termination divided by the number of program terminations.
- Average Number of Days of Treatment - Total number of days in a program divided by the number of program terminations. For outpatient programs, the numbers may not accurately reflect the actual number of days a client received treatment. Registrations in a program for less than a full day are counted as a full day of registration in a program.
- Average Length of Stay in Hours - Average number of hours between registration in a program and termination from that program. Registrations in a program for less than a full day are counted as a full day of registration in a program.
- Average Length of Stay in Days - Average number of days between registration in a program and termination from that program. Registrations in a program for less than a full day are counted as a full day of registration in a program.
Other Services
Summarizes the services offered to Anonymous clients and Group case reviews associated to a Functional Centre. This is based on the Functional Centre selected during the creation of the appointment.
- Beginning April 1st, 2009, Catalyst started collecting the Functional Centres (which are mapped to PSCs) for anonymous individuals and group activities, as well as for group activities where a large number of registered client cases are reviewed.
- The data will appear for both Substance Abuse and Problem Gambling where the functional centre does not distinguish between program types.
Report Columns:
- Client/Group Activities – The client/group activity receiving service either anonymous client, anonymous group or Indirect Services group case review.
- Service Time in Hours – The total services provided in hours.
- Number of Service Events – The total number of services provided.
- Average Service – The average number of hours provided to the client/group for the activity.
Entry Services:
Summarizes the Entry Services provided during selected period.
- Beginning April 1st, 2009, the site number selected to run the report will be based on the service site of the entry service. Prior to this date, Catalyst did not record a service site for Entry Services, therefore, the report will still display all Entry Services regardless of site number prior to this date. If the report's date range contains any portion before April 1st, the entry services reported will be for all sites and not site-specific.
- If the program type selected is Substance Abuse, only Entry Services logged against a Substance Abuse Functional Centre that is funded by the MoHLTC Addiction Branch will be displayed. Similarly, if the program type selected is Problem Gambling, only Entry Services logged against a Problem Gambling Functional Centre that is funded by the MoHLTC Addiction Branch will be displayed.
- Where multiple staff provides an individual or group entry service, the total time for all staff is included in the ‘Service Time in Hours’ column.
- Prior to April 1st, 2009, averages for Anonymous Groups are inaccurate.
Report Columns:
- Service Name – The entry service name
- Service Time in Hours – The total entry services provided in hours
- Number of Service Events – The total number of entry services provided
- Average Service – The average number of hours for the entry service activity
Program Administration:
Summarizes the total number of hours spent on activity type Program Administration during the reporting period.
- The total number of hours of program administration reported by all staff cover all the agency programs including Non-Ministry programs that the agency may offer
- The total number of hours represents all Program Administration services provided during reporting period regardless of the site parameter.
Number of Open Admissions by Gender:
Summarizes the number of open, carry over and new admissions and discharges, based on the program type parameter value, during the selected period by Gender.
- The summary includes services provided to clients and family members.
- Percentages are rounded to the nearest integer.
- Numbers exclude admissions that are not linked to any program.
- The calculations in this section have changed as of September 4, 2009. The counts used to be based on admission dates; they are now based on program registration dates within an admission. For example, we count 1 open admission if there is at least one program that has been open (per admission to the agency) within the date of the report.
Report Columns:
- Gender – The gender description
- Number of Open Admissions – The number of open admissions that belong to clients of the specified gender
- % of Open Admissions – The percentage of open admissions that belong to clients of the specified gender
- Number of Carry Over Admissions – The number of carry over admissions that belong to clients of the specified gender
- % of Carry Over Admissions – The percentage of carry over admissions that belong to clients of the specified gender
- Number of New Admissions – The number of new admissions that belong to clients of the specified gender
- % of New Admissions – The percentage of new admissions that belong to clients of the specified gender
- Number of Individual - New Admissions – The number of individuals that have a new admission that belong to clients of the specified gender
- % of Individual - New Admissions – The percentage of individuals that have a new admission that belong to clients of the specified gender
- Number of Discharges – The number of discharges that belong to clients of the specified gender
- % of Discharges – The percentage of discharges that belong to clients of the specified gender
Number of Open Admissions by Age Group:
Summarizes the number of open admissions, based on the program type parameter value, during the selected period by Age Group.
- The summary includes services provided to clients and family members.
- Percentages are rounded to the nearest integer.
- Numbers exclude admissions that are not linked to any program i.e. Pending and Incomplete admissions are excluded.
- The age at admission is used in the age calculation.
- The calculations in this section have changed as of September 4, 2009. The counts used to be based on admission dates; they are now based on program registration dates within an admission. For example, we count 1 open admission if there is at least one program that has been open (per admission to the agency) within the date of the report.
Report Columns:
- Age – The age group
- Number of Open Admissions – The number of open admissions that belong to clients in the specified age group
- % of Open Admissions – The percentage of open admissions that belong to clients in the specified age group
- Number of Carry Over Admissions – The number of carry over admissions that belong to clients of the specified age group
- % of Carry Over Admissions – The percentage of carry over admissions that belong to clients of the specified age group
- Number of New Admissions – The number of new admissions that belong to clients of the specified age group
- % of New Admissions – The percentage of new admissions that belong to clients of the specified age group
- Number of Individual - New Admissions – The number of individuals that have a new admission that belong to clients of the specified age group
- % of Individual - New Admissions – The percentage of individuals that have a new admission that belong to clients of the specified age group
- Number of Discharges – The number of discharges that belong to clients of the specified age group
- % of Discharges – The percentage of discharges that belong to clients of the specified age group