Click the document viewer below and then click the download button at the top of the screen to download a copy of any of the following documents. 

Click here to view Privacy, Security & Technical Details for the ONHRDB.

Full Service Provider Agreement

Please review this agreement between CAMH, acting as the service provider of the ONHRDB, and your agency, defines the responsibilities of both parties in using the database.  Your agency cannot begin to use the ONHRDB until the Service Provider Agreement has been agreed to by your agency.

Do not sign and return this entire document. To signify that your agency agrees to these terms, you only need to sign and return Adhesion Agreement (on the right).

Adhesion Agreement

Please fill out the Adhesion Agreement below with your agency's information, sign and return to CAMH. 

Authorized User Terms of Use Agreement

This agreement must be signed by all staff and volunteers who are granted access to the ONHRDB/NEO, either for the purpose of entering data or running reports. Please keep these agreements on file at your agency.  You do not need to return any copies of this agreement to CAMH.



What is the ONHRDB?

Click here to read more: What is the Ontario Harm Reduction Database?

What is CAMH's role in the ONHRDB

Through funding from MOHLTC, CAMH has implemented and hosts the Ontario Harm Reduction Database (the "Database") for adoption and use by the Province's Needle Exchange/Syringe Programs, Hepatitis C Programs, and Injection Drug Use (IDU) Outreach Programs.

CAMH has developed comprehensive reporting and analytical tools for use by PHUs, HR HSPs, and the MOHLTC for use in planning, policy, quality improvement and funding accountability, as accessed through the Database.

CAMH will act as an agent, in respect of reports, and as the service provider to the PHU's and HR HSP's with respect to their use of the Database and will provide certain training services.

Who is NEO360?

In accordance with the agreement entered into with the MOHLTC, CAMH has entered into an agreement with NEO360 for the license of the Database (a comprehensive harm reduction service software solution) hosted by CAMH. The Database is used by the HR HSP's for the supply management and reporting obligations of the HR HSP's (and as described in the Service Provider Agreement) and also used by CAMH for its role in supporting the reporting obligations.

The Service Provider Agreement

What is the Service Provider Agreement and
why are we being asked to sign it?

The Service Provider Agreement is the legal document that sets out the provision of services by CAMH to the HR HRP's and the rights and responsibilities of each of the parties in respect of submission of certain required data (the "Data") via the Database, and subsequent reporting.

Can I begin to use the ONHRDB before signing the service provider agreement?

HR HSP's cannot begin to use the ONHRDB until the Service Provider Agreement has been agreed to and signed (through signing the Adhesion Agreement as further described below).

Do I need this reviewed by our company
lawyer/ privacy department

This is the decision of each individual organization. It is important to note that it is not intended that any personal health information (PHI) is included in the Data submitted to CAMH via the Database

Why do I need to have liability insurance?

Insurance provides financial protection in the event of a claim for damages or loss that is determined to be caused by your organization or someone for whom your organization is responsible.
Your organization is responsible for maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of your clients' data.

Often if people sue, they sue all the potential parties – so if there were to be an unauthorized disclosure of Data that is stored in the Database that results in a third party claim, it may be that both CAMH and your organization would be sued. If the cause of the breach was on CAMH's end, then your organization would want to be indemnified by CAMH. Likewise if the cause of the breach was on your organization's end, CAMH would want to be indemnified. Insurance provides the assurance that there are adequate finances to cover off such a situation.

Most organizations have general liability insurance to cover off any claims by third parties that the organization should be responsible for (ie: their own actions or negligence).

What information do I need to read that is
relevant to my agency?

It is the organization's responsibility to read the full
Service Provider Agreement and all attached schedules. We have also provided these FAQs to help address any questions

Does the signed Agreement last forever
or do I have to renew yearly?

The Agreement does not have a set term and will continue until terminated by the parties (or if your organization ceases to operate). If there is a change to the services or to the obligations set out in the Agreement, an amending agreement or a new agreement will need to be signed.

What if I want to amend/ change/ take out
a few clauses in the Agreement?

We are asking all organizations to sign the same agreement as it is not feasible to negotiate on a case by case basis. Any amendments to the Agreement generated by CAMH will be applicable to all organizations.

How do I sign the Services Agreement??

In order to sign on to the Services Agreement, the Adhesion Agreement needs to be signed and returned to CAMH. A blank copy of the Adhesion Agreement has been sent to you for along with the Service Provider Agreement. The Adhesion Agreement shows that your organization agrees to the terms of the Services Agreement with CAMH.

What information do I need to fill in before

You need to fill in all the relevant information as indicated in italics on the Adhesion Agreement.

Who signs the Adhesion Agreement?

The person in your organization that has authority to bind your organization to a contract.

Where will a copy of the Agreement be

CAMH will store the Adhesion Agreements in a secure electronic
location, but your organization should keep a copy of the Service Provider Agreement and signed Adhesion Agreement for your own records.

Why are we signing an Adhesion Agreement instead of just signing the Services Agreement directly?

Are we entering into the Agreement with all parties signing?

While it is not intended that the HR HSP's have obligations to one another – given that there are various different permutations (not all HR HSP's who sign on will be PHU's) there may be some who are contractually connected in certain instances. We have had to take a somewhat broader approach to accommodate for the various different arrangements between core and satellite sites.

The rationale behind structuring the agreement by having an Adhesion Agreement allows for a way to bind the signatory to the terms of the Service Provider Agreement without individual and separate signature pages. 

Given that there are close to 80 HR HSP's who will be signing on, rather than have a stand-alone agreement between each individual organization/PHU and CAMH, we took the approach that this is the one form of agreement that all will sign onto. 

CAMH will keep the Schedule A updated with each organization that signs on which will allow for us to have one schedule to refer to as evidence of all who are parties to this Service Provider Agreement with CAMH.  We will make a copy of the Schedule A available to organizations.

In addition to the Adhesion Agreement, is there any other documentation that needs to be signed?

All staff at each HR HSP who will have access to the Database will be required to sign an Authorized User Agreement which sets out the responsibilities of each individual using the Database. A form of the Authorized User Agreement is included as Schedule E to the Service Provider Agreement. It is the responsibility of each HR HSP to ensure that their staff have signed this document.

What happens when staff leave and new
staff are hired?

Each organization has a Site Administrator who is responsible for monitoring all active staff accounts. If a person leaves, the site administrator should inactivate that individual's account. For each new user, the site administrator should create an account and then have them sign the Authorized User Agreement (Schedule E).

Do I need to return signed user agreements to CAMH

Authorized User agreements need to be signed by each person who will be accessing the ONHRDB and are to be stored at the HR HSP. They do not need to be returned to CAMH.

The Data

Who owns and controls the Data?

Section 8.1 of the Service Agreement states that 'the HRHSP retains responsibility for Data in their custody or control'.

What does CAMH do with the Data

The Data submitted into NEO will be used to create information and reports to help the PHUs, HR HSPs and MOHLTC obtain more timely data about these services to support program implementation ("Reports").

The use of the Database will also increase the MOHLTC's ability to monitor service-need trends, as well as provide a tool for efficient and standardized data collection

What is the CAMH policy on deleting/
destroying Data?

CAMH would only delete Data at the direction/instruction of the HR HSP.  As stated in section 8.1 of the Service Provider Agreement the HR HSP retains control of the Data, and it is only being held by CAMH as the HR HSP's agent.

How long will the Data be retained for?

Section 8.8 of the Service Provider Agreement states 'Data will be retained for as long as required to meet the specified MOHLTC purposes'.

How do we proceed if a specific data element was not provided/collected or if there is a concern that information provided/collected was not accurate?"

Schedule E makes it clear that, with respect to reports pulled from the pool of data, it relies on the data as submitted which is 'as is'. This may not be relevant to each HR HSP who is only accessing their own data, but even within an HR HSP each user should understand that the data is only as good as what is submitted.

If there is a concern regarding incorrect data please contact the CAMH System Administrator.


How do I get support for the ONHRDB

Should you have any comments or questions about the ONHRDB please see our Knowledge Base (link) or contact our Service Desk.