CTS Training Module - page 3/6

Add a Client

Video Instructions:

The first step to record a transaction in the CTS module is adding a client. The client reference code that is used to add the client will be used to track that particular client throughout their CTS visit.

To add a client to the CTS module, click on the ADD CLIENT button. Clicking on this button will bring you to the Client Search screen.

All client transactions require a client reference code. 

Transaction date & time

Client transactions are recorded one at a time. The CTS module automatically records the Transaction Date and Transaction Time

Client reference code

The next step is to enter the client's reference code.

Find an existing client reference code

A returning client may know their code and simply give it to you when asked during the transaction. In order to find an existing code, you must select the client's gender. Then, begin typing in the four initials, as you type you should see existing client reference codes appear, as below. If you see the code you're looking for, select it and then click on the FIND button. Clicking on the FIND button should bring you straight to the Client's Detail Screen. Otherwise, you must create a new client reference for the client.

Create a new client reference code

If the client is new or not sure what their code is, ask them whether you can create a code for them.

To create a code you need:

  • The client's gender;
  • Four initials from the client's first or last name (try to choose something they will remember!); and
  • The client's year of birth.

Your agency may have more exact instructions regarding how to choose the four initials; for example: "Ask for the first two letters of the client's first name, and the last two letters of the client's last name." To create a new client select the gender from the drop down menu, and then type in the four initials and the year of birth all together, and then click the NEW button.