The Anonymous Group section of the Activity Log is used to record information about anonymous groups. This section is found by expanding the For Group Appointment Only section. Anonymous Groups are groups whose clients are not uniquely identified and are not registered clients in Catalyst.
Features and Available Options
- Client names are not required; Catalyst users need only enter a count on the number of the clients attending the group, with the available options of adding age groups and gender.
- There is an available option to link the group activity to a FC/PSC. If the MoH Substance Abuse/ Problem Gambling funded? field is checked, a functional centre must be selected from the FC field before the activity can be saved. If the activity is not linked to a funded SA and /or PG MoH funded program, uncheck the box and either select the FC from the selection list or leave blank.
- The number of anonymous clients in a group can be reported on by FC/PSC providing the information is correctly input into the system.
- The number of sessions and staff hours are collected for Anonymous Groups.
Data Entry Example
At the request of the local high school, the agency hosted an information night for parents and teens on the topic of substance abuse. The parents and teens attending were not clients of the agency and therefore, no client information was collected. A count was taken and it was determined that a total of 28 people attended; 90 minutes for an Anonymous Group for two Service Providers should be logged in the Activity Log.
Step-by-step guide
- From the Main Menu in Catalyst click on Activity Log and select Add Appointments.
- In the space provided select the Service Providers.
- Input the time for the Actual Time spent for both service providers.
- Enter the date and time of the information night. The Date and Start Time fields will default to the current date and start time.
- Select the service site.
- For the Activity Type select the Pre-Entry Services - Direct Face-to-face.
- Select a relevant item for the Activity. (If Information Request is selected, the MoH Substance Abuse /Problem Gambling? field becomes Read Only and is not reported to OHRS.)
- Entry Services - Specify is an optional field for Substance Abuse Entry Services.
- For the Activity Status select Occurred.
- The Activity Comments automatically defaults to Attended.
A check is defaulted to the MoH Substance Abuse/Problem Gambling fund? field. Do not uncheck the field.
Important to NOTE:
For Anonymous Groups that are linked to a MoH Substance Abuse or Problem Gambling funded program, the Functional Centre field is required. If the MoH Substance Abuse/Problem Gambling field is not checked, the service will not be applied to a funded MoH FC. For non-MoH funded programs the Functional Centre field is NOT required in order to save. Remove the check from the check box. Selecting a Functional Centre is optional for non-MoH S/A& P/A programs.
- For the Functional Centre field, select the appropriate FC that the staff worker is funded under.
- Move to the section For Group Appointments Only and expand by clicking on the + sign
- Input the number of attendees in the space provided for Total # of Anonymous Clients. This is the only required field for this section.
- Scroll to the bottom and Save.
- Continue with Input for another activity or Exit the activity log.