The “Recently Discharged Clients” menu is a new section that has been added to the main CTS page. Users are able to access the last 10 clients who consumed substances and were discharged recently from the site, in order to update information for client details, wrap-around services, and referrals more efficiently.
The 10 most “Recently Discharged Clients” screen will not include clients who “Did Not Consume”. This list only shows the 10 most recent clients in a calendar day and will refresh at 12:00 am each calendar day.
Entry Instructions
1. Select the "Recently Discharged Clients" button on the CTS main page
2. This section displays the 10 most recent clients, the "Discharge Time" and the "Client" reference codes.
3. The profile icon allows you to edit the "Client Details" screen.
4. Once the "Client Details" has been updated you can click "Save"
5. The hand icon allows you to edit the "Harm Reduction Services" and "Provision of Wrap Around Services"
6. Once the "Harm Reduction Services" and "Provision of Wrap Around Services" has been updated you can click "Save".
7. Once you have updated the clients of choice, you can return back to the CTS main page by selecting "Back To Dashboard".
Please note that when you click the “Recently Discharged Clients” menu to update information for client details, wrap-around services, and referrals, this interaction will not be counted as a separate CTS visit in the CTS monthly report. It is considered as part of the previous visit.
For question about the updates to the CTS module or training, please contact the ONHRDB Service Desk