Report template with calculations: CTS Monthly Report with Calculations.xls

Section A: Contact Information

Name of Organization:Item chosen in Agency filter
Contact Name:can be filled after export
Reporting Month:can be filled after export
Date of Submission:can be filled after export
CTS Operating Hours (24 hour clock format):Mon:Tue:Wed:Thurs:Fri:Sat:Sun:
# of Booths In Operationcan be filled after export

Section B: Total Visits

Total # of CTS visits this month: A count of episodes that occurred throughout the reporting period selected

Morning Visits: 7am to 11:am: A count of episodes that have a created on date/time during the hours of 7am to 11:59am for the reporting period selected

Afternoon Visits: 12pm to 4:59pm: A count of episodes that have a created on date/time during the hours of 12pm to 4:59pm for the reporting period selected

Evening Visits: 5pm to 9:59pm: A count of episodes that have a created on date/time during the hours of 5pm to 9:59pm for the reporting period selected

Overnight Visits: 10pm to 2:59am: A count of episodes that have a created on date/time during the hours of 10pm to 2:59am for the reporting period selected

                                3am to 6:59am: A count of episodes that have a created on date/time during the hours of 3am to 6:59am for the reporting period selected

Section C: Non-identifiable Client Demographics

Total # of Unique CTS clients using the CTS this month: A count of distinct client ids for the reporting period. (i.e. if a client has multiple visits they will only be counted one (1) time for the reporting period)

Report FieldNEO Screen/Field


# male clients: A count of clients where the client's gender = male

# female clients: A count of clients where the client's gender = female

# trans clients: A count of clients where the client's gender = trans male or trans female

# other clients: A count of clients where the client's gender = other

# not specified clients: A count of clients where the client's gender = not specified

Gender is pulled from the Gender entered on the Search screen in NEO:


# clients under 20: A count of clients where the client's age is <20

# clients 20 - 29: A count of clients where the client's age is between 20 and 29

# clients 30 - 39: A count of clients where the client's age is between 30 and 39

# clients 40 - 49: A count of clients where the client's age is between 40 and 49

# clients 50 - 59: A count of clients where the client's age is between 50 and 59

# clients 60 years or over: A count of clients where the client's age is >60

# clients age unknown: A count of clients where the client's age is >= 100

Age is calculated by using the last 4 digits of the client reference code, and the date of the episode:

Total # of new CTS clients using the CTS this month: Count of distinct clients where the client's first visit to the CTS is during the reporting period.  This field uses the first CTS visit date, regardless of when the client was registered to the agency. 
A client could have been an NEP client for many years, but would be counted as a CTS new client in the period when they first visit the CTS.

Section D: Supervised Consumption Visits within the CTS

Report FieldNEO Screen/Field
Total # of CTS visits for supervised drug consumption this month: A count of all episodes where supervised is selected. If an episode has multiple consumptions, it is only counted once.

Total  # of injection consumptions: A count of episodes where the route of consumption = injection OR intramuscular. (If multiple drugs are consumed during the episode, via this route, each instance will be counted toward the total)

Total  # of oral consumptions: A count of episodes where the route of consumption = oral (If multiple drugs are consumed during the episode, via this route, each instance will be counted toward the total)

Total # of intra-nasal consumptions: A count of episodes where the route of consumption = intra-nasal (If multiple drugs are consumed during the episode, via this route, each instance will be counted toward the total)

Total # of CTS visits where client is consuming the following substances (self-reported at intake): 

A count of episodes where one of the below substances is selected in NEO











                Methamphetamine (crystal meth):         

                Methamphetamine (speed)       




                Speedball (crystal meth/fentanyl) :         

                Speedball (crystal meth/hydromorphone/Dilaudid):                        

                Speedball (fentanyl/crack) :        

                Speedball/other polysubstance:               




                Unspecified Opioid:       

                Unspecified Stimulant: 


                Other (list to the right):

Other substances used (not listed on the left) and # of CTS visits associated: Can be filled after exportManually entered

Section E: Overdose Events

Report FieldNEO Screen/Field

Total # of overdoses that occurred in the CTS:

A count of episodes where an overdose occurred

Total # of overdose-related deaths that occurred in the CTS:

A count of episodes where an overdose occurred and the outcome was death

CTS Staff
Total # of overdoses treated solely by CTS staff: A count of episodes where Client Overdosed = Yes AND the outcome was either Client recovered in CTS / declined EMS treatment OR Client recovered in CTS

Total # of overdoses treated solely with oxygen/rescue breathing and/or stimulation by CTS staff: A count of episodes where Client Overdosed = Yes AND the outcome was either Client recovered in CTS / declined EMS treatment OR Client recovered in CTS AND Required Oxygen = Yes OR Required Stimulation = Yes OR Required Rescue Breaths = Yes

and one or all of the following:

Total # of overdoses treated with naloxone by CTS staff (do not include naloxone administered by EMS): A count of episodes where Client Overdosed = YES AND the outcome was either Client recovered in CTS / declined EMS treatment OR Client recovered in CTS AND Naloxone Administered = Yes


Total # of naloxone doses administered by CTS staff: A sum of the number of doses administered

Total # of overdoses treated with other interventions not mentioned above and not including calls to EMS (please describe in the box below): A count of episodes where Client overdosed = Yes AND Naloxone Administered = No AND Require Oxygen = No AND Require Rescue Breaths = No AND Require Stimulation = No AND Other Intervention = Yes AND 911/EMS Called = No

EMS Staff
Total number of overdoses treated by EMS staff: A count of episodes where Client Overdosed = Yes AND Outcome = Client treated by EMS within the CTS

Total number of 911 calls related to an overdose: A count of episodes where Client Overdosed = Yes AND 911/EMS Called = Yes

Total number of transports to an emergency department (ED) related to an overdose: A count of episodes where Client Overdosed = Yes AND Outcome = Client transported by EMS to emergency department

Total number of EMS transports to a service other than a hospital related to an overdose: A count of episodes where Client Overdosed = Yes AND Outcome = Client transported by EMS to a service other than a hospital

Optional data: # of overdoses treated by CTS staff within the immediate vicinity of the CTS: Can be filled after exportManually entered

Section F: Medical Emergency Service Calls (non-overdose related) 

Report FieldNEO Screen/Field
Total # of medical-related 911 calls for non-overdose reasons: A count of Medical Emergencies where Client Overdosed = No AND 911/EMS Called = Yes

Reason for 911 call (non-overdose): Can be filled after exportManually entered
Total: Can be filled after exportManually entered
Total # of transports to an emergency department for non-overdose reasons: A count of episodes where Client Overdosed = No AND Outcome =  Client transported by EMS to emergency department

Reason for Transport to ED (non-overdose): Can be filled after exportManually entered
Total: Can be filled after exportManually entered

Section G: Safety and Security

Report FieldNEO Screen/Field
Total # of times a security staff person assisted with an incident in the CTS: can be filled after exportManually entered
Total # of times a security staff person addressed a security event within the surrounding perimeter of the CTS: can be filled after exportManually entered
Total # of times police were called to the CTS by staff: can be filled after exportManually entered

Section H: Harm Reduction Education

Report FieldNEO Screen/Field

Total # of visits where harm reduction education or information was provided:

A count of episodes where Harm Reduction Education/Information was checked off

Section I: Provision of Wrap-Around Services 

I.1 Addiction Treatment Services

Report FieldNEO Screen/Field

Total # of unique clients connected to onsite addictions treatment services:

A count of client id where the client has been connected to an onsite Addiction Treatment Service

Total # of unique clients connected to each onsite addictions treatment service:

A count of unique clients that have been connected to the corresponding onsite Addiction Treatment Service

Addictions counselling services:

Community treatment:

Opioid agonist therapy (e.g. methadone, suboxone):      

Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic  

Residential treatment:  

Safer Supply:     

Withdrawal management/ detox:           

Other (please describe):

Other addictions treatment services (not listed above): Can be filled after exportManually entered

Total # of unique referrals to addictions treatment services: A count of unique clients where the client has been referred to an offsite Addiction Treatment Service

Total # of unique referrals to each addictions treatment service:

A count of unique clients that have been referred to the corresponding offsite Addiction Treatment Service

Addictions counselling services:

Community treatment:

Opioid agonist therapy (e.g. methadone, suboxone):      

Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic  

Residential treatment:  

Safer Supply:     

Withdrawal management/ detox:           

Other (please describe):

Other addictions treatment services (not listed above): Can be filled after exportManually entered

I.1 Mental Health Services

Report FieldNEO Screen/Field

Total # of unique clients connected to onsite mental health services:

A count of client id where the client has been connected to an onsite Mental Health Service

Total # of unique clients connected to each onsite mental health service:

A count of unique clients that have been connected to the corresponding onsite Mental Health Service

*Crisis intervention        

*Mental health case management          

*Mental health counselling         

*Mental health treatment          

Supportive counselling by peers / other CTS staff              

Other (please describe):

Other Mental Health services (not listed above): Can be filled after exportManually entered

Total # of unique referrals to mental health services: A count of unique clients where the client has been referred to an offsite Mental Health Service

Total # of unique referrals to each Mental Health service:

A count of unique clients that have been referred to the corresponding offsite Mental Health Service

*Crisis intervention        

*Mental health case management          

*Mental health counselling         

*Mental health treatment          

Supportive counselling by peers / other CTS staff              

Other (please describe):

Other Mental Health services (not listed above): Can be filled after exportManually entered

I.3 Primary Care

Report FieldNEO Screen/Field

Total # of unique clients connected to onsite primary care services:

A count of client id where the client has been connected to an onsite Primary care service

Please indicate what type(s) of onsite primary care services clients were connected to: Can be filled after exportManually entered
Total # of unique clients accessing immunization services: A count of unique client id where Immunization Services AND Onsite have been selected

Total # of unique clients accessing BBI, HIV and/or STI testing and/or treatment:

A count of unique client id where BBI, HIV and/or STI testing and/or treatment AND Onsite have been selected

Total # of instances first aid or basic care (i.e. abscess, foot, wound) were provided within the CTS:

A count of episodes where first aid or basic care (i.e. abscess, foot, wound) AND Onsite have been selected

Total # of unique referrals to Primary Care Services: A count of unique clients where the client has been referred to an offsite Primary Care Service

Please indicate the type(s) of other health services clients were referred to:: Can be filled after exportManually entered

I.4 Social Services

Report FieldNEO Screen/Field

Total # of unique clients connected to onsite Social services:

A count of client id where the client has been connected to an onsite Social Services

Total # of unique clients connected to each onsite Social Services:

A count of unique clients that have been connected to the corresponding onsite Social Services




Other (list below):          

Other Social services clients were connected to (not listed above): Can be filled after export

Total # of unique referrals to Social services: A count of unique clients where the client has been referred to an offsite Social Services

Total # of unique referrals to each Social service:

A count of unique clients that have been referred to the corresponding offsite Social Services




Other (list below):   

Other Social services clients were referred to (not listed above): Can be filled after exportManually entered

I.5 Defined Pathways for Mandatory Wrap-around Services

Report FieldNEO Screen/Field
Please describe any changes to defined pathway(s) for referral to any mandatory wrap-around services, if applicable (e.g. change in partnership with community addictions treatment service provider): Can be filled after exportManually entered

Section J: Removal of Inappropriately Discarded Harm Reduction Supplies

Report FieldNEO Screen/Field
Total # of pick-ups /sweeps conducted in the reporting month in the surrounding area of the CTS: Can be filled after exportManually entered
Total # of needles picked up during the reporting month in the surrounding area of the CTS: Can be filled after exportManually entered
If applicable, total # of bowl pipes and stems picked up during the reporting month in the surrounding area of the CTS: Can be filled after exportManually entered

Section K: Community Engagement and Liaison

Report FieldNEO Screen/Field
Were any community engagement and liaison activities conducted during this reporting month? Yes / No: _________ Can be filled after exportManually entered

If yes, please describe all community engagement and liaison efforts that were conducted during this reporting month. Include any issues raised and how these issues were mitigated: Can be filled after export

Manually entered

Section L: Additional Comments

Report FieldNEO Screen/Field
Please provide any information you feel is important to report regarding successes or challenges related to the CTS at your facility during the reporting month: Can be filled after exportManually entered

Section M: Drug Checking (IF APPLICABLE)

Report FieldNEO Screen/Field
Which technology was used for drug checking:Manually entered
Total # of unique clients that participated in drug checking: A count of clients that participated in drug checking pre OR post consumption

Drug Check Results by Substance:
Please enter number of clients by substance and test result.

Substance (as identified by the client):




Crystal Meth:

Crack Cocaine:


Unspecified Opioid:



Manually entered after export

Positive, Negative, Invalid

Action taken following a positive drug check result (pre-consumption only):

Among clients with a positive drug check result pre-consumption, please enter the number of clients who:

Reduced Drug Quantity: A count of clients where Fentanyl tested pre-consumption = Yes AND Fentanyl test positive outcome = Reduced amount

Discarded Drug: A count of clients where Fentanyl tested pre-consumption = Yes AND Fentanyl test positive outcome = Substance discarded
Made no change (no action taken): A count of clients where Fentanyl tested pre-consumption = Yes AND Fentanyl test positive outcome = No change
Unknown: A count of clients where Fentanyl tested pre-consumption = Yes AND Fentanyl test positive outcome = Unknown

Federal Reporting (Second Tab)

Drug Splitting/Sharing

Report FieldNEO Screen/Field
Total # of Splitting/Sharing Visits: A count of episodes where splitting/sharing was selected. If multiple drugs were split/shared, the episode is counted only once.

Total # of Unique Clients who participated in Splitting/Sharing: A count of distinct clients where splitting/sharing was selected
Total # of overdoses/drug emergencies that occurred following drug splitting/sharing: A count of episodes where splitting/sharing was selected and Client Overdosed = Yes

Peer Assisted 

Report FieldNEO Screen/Field
Total # of Visits with Peer Assistance: A count of episodes where peer assisted was selected. If multiple drugs were peer assisted, the episode is counted only once.

Total # of Consumptions with Peer Assistance: A count of consumptions where peer assisted was selected. If multiple drugs were peer assisted, each instance is counted.
Total # of Unique Clients with Peer Assistance: A count of distinct clients where peer assisted was selected
Total # of New Clients with Peer Assistance: Count of distinct clients where the client's first visit to the CTS is during the reporting period AND peer assisted is selected.  This field uses the first CTS visit date, regardless of when the client was registered to the agency. A client could have been an NEP client for many years, but would be counted as a CTS new client in the period when they first visit the CTS.

Client Test Outcome

Report FieldNEO Screen/Field
As Expected (Pre-consumption): A count of episodes where the substances identified in the drug check = As Expected AND it was a pre-consumption drug check

Unexpected (Pre-consumption):  A count of episodes where the substances identified in the drug check = Unexpected AND it was a pre-consumption drug check
Inconclusive (Pre-consumption):  A count of episodes where the substances identified in the drug check = Inconclusive AND it was a pre-consumption drug check
As Expected (Post-consumption): A count of episodes where the substances identified in the drug check = As Expected AND it was a post-consumption drug check

Unexpected (Post-consumption):  A count of episodes where the substances identified in the drug check = Unexpected AND it was a post-consumption drug check
Inconclusive (Post-consumption):  A count of episodes where the substances identified in the drug check = Inconclusive AND it was a post-consumption drug check

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