Reports training - page 5/6

Lets say you're asked to fill out a table like the one below. 

114-Items Dispensed

Report 114-Items Dispensed is the most useful report for gathering information about the number of supplies (i.e. items) your agency has distributed. There are a few different ways to run this report.

All items dispensed

The default Report Type for this report is Items Dispensed, which will show you the total quantity of items dispensed, returned and the return rate within your date range.

If you leave the filters as in, you'll get a report that gives you absolutely everything dispensed and returned.


The resulting report is comprehensive, but may be somewhat difficult to read.

Therefore, this report may be better suited as a CSV file, which can be further manipulated in Excel.

Items dispensed by type

You may get a more readable report if you filter your result by type. All items in NEO are assigned an "item type", which describes what kind of item they are. For example, 1mL 28g insulin syringes, 18g x 1 in tips, and all other syringes and tips have the item type "Needle". Stericups, spoons and one use cookers all have the item type "Cooker", etc.

To filter your report by type, uncheck "All Types or Uncheck to Select Types".

Then check off the specific type you're interested in.


This report 

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