Catalyst allows for an added relationship called "Twins" to the ''Relation to Identified Client'' dropdown list located in the Associated Client module. This improvement was made in order to validate twin relationships when twins are entered as clients into Catalyst.

This feature eliminate identified twins from the list of possible duplicates when running data checking reports and as a result improve the quality of the data and reduce data checking by agencies.

New Business Rules

Creating a "Twin" Associated Client

In order to mark two clients as twins, they must have the same Date of Birth (DOB) and the same Last Name at Birth

When associating triplets, quadruplets etc, all clients must be marked as twins. For example, to indicate that A, B and C are triplets mark A as a twin of B and C AND B as a twin of C.

Editing "Twin" DOB or Last Name at Birth

If a client has been marked as a twin of another client, the DOB or Last Name at Birth of this client cannot be changed on the Client Information screen. To change the DOB or Last Name at birth, the relationship or the "twins" Associated Client link must be removed.

The Associated Client module is available as an option at the bottom of the Client Information Screen.