The information below pertains to assessment data have been exported from the GAIN ABS.  See GAIN Assessment Export Feature (bulk download) for details on how to download assessment data.

Reading the GAIN-Q3-ONT exported file

Open the downloaded file titled "GAIN-Q3-ONT". Per the screen shot below, you will see the header (row 1) for each column contains the ID associated with each question/field in the assessment. For example, column E is titled XPID and holds the Participant ID (unique for each client assessment conducted) and columns F and G contain the last name and first name (respectively) for each client.  Row 4 contains the assessment data for Sarah Mock, and the unique ID associated with this particular assessment is 2635. 

The Participant ID is unique to the assessment, not the client.


The question/field IDs included in the first row of the extract (above) can be identified by looking up the corresponding Variable Name and Question text in the GAIN Q3 PDF Map.pdf.  

Interpreting the responses in the exported file

COMING SOON - A code book to look up and match the responses in the export with the response options in the Q3. 

Below is the interpretation of the standardized, consistency code responses available in the GAIN Q3: 

         -3Local/not asked in version of assessment
         -4Missing response
         -6Confidential information (i.e., client name)
         -7Item refused
         -8Client responded “Don’t Know”
         -9Legitimate skip based on previous item responses

Using the report spreadsheet, the PDF map and the table above, you can determine clients' responses to each question.

For example: if you want to know how your client responded to the following question: "You want to make changes in your behaviour at work because... you will get better evaluations."

Step 1. Open the GAIN Q3 PDF Map and locate a specific question:

Step 2. Take note of the variable assigned to the question:

Step 3. Open the report spreadsheet and locate the response in the corresponding column: 

Step 4. Locate the numeric value associated with the response below:

Step 5. The client response to the question "You want to make changes in your behaviour at work because... you will get better evaluations."
            is "Legitimate skip based on previous item responses".

GAIN-Q3-ONT_Notes file

Interviewer notes documented during an assessment will appear in a separate file titled GAIN-Q3-ONT_Notes.   The XPID (Participant ID) is the common field between the two files and can be used to link notes to their respective assessment in the GAIN-Q3-ONT file.  

In the example below, the note for (XPID) Participant ID 582 in the GAIN-Q3-ONT_Notes file can be linked with the assessment record in the GAIN-Q3-ONT file.

GAIN-Q3-ONT_Notes file:

GAIN-Q3-ONT file:

Matching client assessment records to the client's record in your data system

There are no shared unique client identifiers between the GAIN ABS and Catalyst, due to the standalone nature of each application.  In this case, there are several fields in the assessment export that can be used to match client records between the two systems:

  • XPNAML - Client last name
  • XPNAMF - Client first name
  • XOBSDT - Assessment Date - this date will coincide with the admission or admissions (in the case of a client with multiple) date
  • B1c - Gender
  • B2 - Date of birth

In the case where a client has duplicated records in Catalyst or two clients closely resemble each other, there are other social demographic questions that may further assist in identifying a match, such as ethnicity, marital status, level of education, etc.

Export feature documentation published by Chestnut Health Systems

Additional information regarding the Export feature can be found in the GAIN ABS application by clicking on Help in the top right corner of the Export screen.  

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