The GAIN ABS contains a feature allowing users to extract, in bulk, client assessment data for an organization into one Excel file. Please note, the output is not in the form of the narrative Recommendation and Referral Summary (RRS) report, but a raw data file, containing the responses/scores for each client assessment conducted, as the feature was developed by Chestnut Health to facilitate analysis of the Q3 data. The extracted data are in tabular form - each row contains a client assessment record with the response to each assessment question in the respective column. These data are meant to meet your organization's data retention policies by providing a record of each client assessment and their respective responses/scores.
The export feature can be used to export and download GAIN Q3 and GAIN SS (for screeners completed in the GAIN ABS application) data. The following, and related documentation will reference the GAIN Q3, but can be applied to extraction of the GAIN SS data as well.
See GAIN Assessment Export feature - Supporting Documentation for more information.
DATIS does not host the GAIN ABS (the application that houses the GAIN-Q3). It is owned by Chestnut Health Systems, with the Catalyst application acting as the gateway to GAIN ABS.
Enabling the Export feature
Access to the Export feature is enabled by Chestnut Health for an organization, and then at the individual user level by DATIS. HSPs wishing to enable this feature should open a ticket through the Catalyst Service Desk. DATIS will communicate with Chestnut Health to request the feature be enabled for your organization, and then enable it at the individual user level. All requests should include the following information:
- A request for the Export feature to be enabled for your organization, please let us know your Connex#.
- The Catalyst/GAIN ABS user for whom the permission should be granted to
- Access to export is restricted to users with a GAIN ABS account. If your organization does not have staff with an account, indicate this in the ticket and the service desk team will assist.
Steps to generate the extract:
After launching the GAIN ABS through Catalyst, follow the steps below:
1. In the top left corner of the screen, click Export
2. The Export screen (below) is displayed with three export parameter sections (Filters, Agency Pane (Gain Practice in the screen shot below), Options):
- Filters - indicate the time period of the data to be exported by choosing one of the two date filters:
- Export period - this includes a drop down of a pre-set periods, such as Custom, Last Month, Last Quarter, etc. Choose the Custom option from the drop down if extracting data for a specific time period.
- From and To fields - enter the start and end dates of the time period in the From and To fields.
- Instrument Types - choose the instrument(s) (assessment) to be exported.
- Report Types - if applicable, choose the type of report to be exported.
- Agency pane - your organization's name will be displayed (Gain Practice in screen shot below) - choose the instrument data to be exported. The number in the brackets to the right of the instrument is a count records for the corresponding instrument according to the date range chosen.
- Options
- Confidential data included - check this box to include the clients name and other identifying data in the export. Leaving this box unchecked will result in the export returning de-identified data.
- Trailer data included - check this box to include trailer data (supplemental questions), if applicable.
- Question notes included - check this box to include notes recorded during the session. When applicable, any notes recorded will be exported in a separate document from the assessment data.
- File type - choose the desired file type for the export. It is recommended to the Excel (.xlsx) option.
See below for the detailed steps required to produce the export.
Steps to generate the extract:
- Choose the Export period, Instrument Types, and Report Types, and click the yellow Apply button that will display at the top of the screen.
- Choose the instrument type in the Agency pane (box with your organization's name).
- Choose additional Options, as desired, and click the yellow Save button that will display at the top of the screen.
**Exporting to Excel (.xlsx) is recommended** - Before clicking the Process button a Profile must be created. A profile saves the parameters entered for the extract for future use, if desired. To create a Profile:
- Click the plus ( + ) sign beside the in the right top of the screen.
- An Export Profile dialogue box will appear.
- Enter the name of the Profile in the 'Name your profile' field. The name entered will replace the word Profile on the Export screen in real time.
- Additional options for this profile may be selected, if desired.
- Click Save to return to the Export screen.
- Additional profiles with different filters can be created saved by following the same process.
- Click Process to generate the file.
- The length of time required for the export to generate will depend on the volume of data being pulled.
- When the process is complete, a notification will be displayed below the Process button.
Steps to access and download the data:
- In the menu bar at the top of the Export screen, the Downloads button now has a number beside it. This number is a count of the reports that have been generated during your session.
- Click the Downloads button and then select the Profile to be exported. If multiple profiles were created during your session, they will all be listed.
- The extract can then be accessed through your browser's Downloads area.
- A zipped file is downloaded with the Profile name selected for export in the GAIN ABS, and contains a folder with your organization's name. This folder contains the following files:
- agency_export_summary - this file contains only details on the version of the GAIN ABS application - no assessment data is included.
- GAIN-Q3-ONT - this file contains the raw data for each client assessment conducted.
- GAIN-Q3-ONT_Notes - this file contains interviewer notes entered during the assessment. Note - this file will appear only if notes were added to any of the assessments contained in the above file.
See GAIN Assessment Export feature - Supporting Documentation for more information on how to read and interpret the responses.