The following business rules apply to the use of the Wait List Information Screen:

  1. Catalyst Wait List users can edit the following fields for active and non-admitted status records: the Date Put on Wait List, Date Removed/Received Service, Caseworker and Notes. Status can be changed from "removed" to "active" and from "active" to "removed".
  2. A ''Removed from Wait List'' client can be made active again by blanking out the "Reason for Removal" and the ''Date Removed/Received Service.''
  3. An active client may be changed to "Removed" status if the user selects a "Reason for Removal" from the available drop down selection list. This action requires a ''Date Removed''.
  4. "Date Put on Wait List" cannot be later than program start date.
  5. "Date Put on Wait List" cannot be a future date.
  6. "Date Put on Wait List" cannot be before the Wait List start Date.
  7. User cannot change a "Received Service" status to "Active" or "Removed".
  8. User cannot blank out the "Date Removed/Received Service" of a client whose status shows that of "Received Service", i.e. the status cannot be reversed from "Received Service" to "Active" for an admitted (received service) client.
  9. ''Date Received Service'' can be edited but not blanked out only if the client Wait List record was created before the Wait List deployment date (October 2010); the ''Date Received Service'' must also be before the deployment date. This rule is based on the "Date Received Service" plus the Wait List created_date.
  10. Up to 20 records can be displayed on the screen. If there are more than 20 Wait List records, changes made to the screen must be saved before clicking  to move to the next screen 
  11. The same client cannot be active on the same Wait List or multiple Wait Lists that are connected to the same program at the same time.
  12. To change the status of clients on a Wait List or to edit any other information, the user must have Catalyst user privileges to the Wait List program.
  13. Wait List names that are not displayed as hyperlinks and are found in the list of all active clients in an agency, are those clients that are linked to programs that the Catalyst user has no privilege.